Chapter Six. Part One

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Feeling a sense of claustrophobia, Nnadia wanted nothing more than to be out of there. Her small room was full of people, both family and friends. Though the air conditioner was on, Nnadia felt hot in her attire. They were all fussing over her and she was sweating now. She was overwhelmed and wanted to go out and get some fresh air, but she knew that wouldn't be possible. The only way she was going to leave this room is when it's time for the ceremony. Nnadia couldn't believe this was her engagement day. 

" Masha Allah, your groom won't be able to take his eyes off you." Her aunt said after the makeup artist was done. 

" If he gets to see me at all." She murmured to herself. 

She has been worried lately because Abdullah hasn't called for over two weeks. He could still be in London for all she knew. She had been giving him an attitude every time he called. Nnadia prayed silently that he wouldn't embarrass her family because of her. 

Shouts came from outside and most of the people in her room now rushed out to see what was happening. 

" Oh, My God." Salma who was looking through the window exclaimed. 

" What is it?" Nnadia asked anxiously.

She was now experiencing premature ventricular contraction. There was another round of shouts and Nnadia looked from Hajara to Salma with a plea in her eyes. 

" Are you guys going to tell me what's going on?" She asked again. 

" My goodness," Hajara spoke. "He is looking like a snack and you can't imagine the number of cars they brought." 

Nnadia rolled her eyes at her friend, pretending not to care. But deep within she was glad and relieved that he was finally here. 

Some minutes later, Nadia's mom barged in. " Hajara, please fix her veil quickly and bring her." She said happily. 

Nnadia smiled to see how delighted her mother was. 

A bit hesitant, she allowed herself to be ushered out of the room. She knew within a few moments she was definitely going to be the center of people's attention. Feeling thankful for the veil that was going to shield her from their gaze, she took slow steps forward. 

The closer she got, she heard the elder women singing wedding songs in her native language. She was made to sit in the center of the sitting room. The Imam started the engagement ceremony with prayers. After long conversations that she wasn't really interested in, Nnadia heard her dad call her name. 

" Naam, Baba." She quickly replied. 

This kola nut has been brought to us by Abdul Azeez and his family." Her dad said pointing at the table.

" Should we accept it?" He asked. 

" Yes, baba." She replied shyly. 

Everyone in the room roared from happiness. Nnadia tried looking around hoping to find him but was shocked when he knelt right in front of her. His cologne was causing havoc to her insides. 

Gazing right at him, she was once again very thankful for the veil. He was wearing the same clothes as her, but he was in a three-piece. She knew he was handsome but his appearance today was breathtaking. Staring at him made her feel things she didn't expect. 

" Nnadia Fatima Kabba. Will you marry me? He asked in a sweet voice that made her stomach flutter. The look on his face was anxious. His brown eyes were filled with tenderness. He seemed genuinely interested in marrying her. 

Nnadia gulped and replied. 

" Yes, I will."

Everyone cheered once more.

She felt him slipping a ring on her finger. 

" Omg... " She screamed inwardly. This ring was from Tiffany and Co's latest line. With a large cut of pure diamond. She had been so busy staring at him, that she did not notice the ring earlier on. 

He lifted her veil, which she did not expect. She didn't even realize that she had cried until he used his thumb to wipe a lone tear from her face. They stared at each other for a while and he came close and whispered in her ears. 

" Thank you beautiful, and you are looking amazing by the way." 

He complimented her. 

Thanks for what exactly, she made a mental note to ask some other time. It was until then that she realized that pictures and videos were being taken of them. 

The rest of the occasion went on nicely. Nnadia and her friends were back in her room looking at pictures when they suddenly heard a knock. Hajara went to get the door and was shocked to see Abdullah standing there. 

" Can I see her, please?" He asked after exchanging pleasantries with Hajara. 

" Haven't you seen enough of her today?" Hajara replied jokingly. 

" Please, it's urgent." He pleaded. 

" Okay, come in." She said opening the door for him. 

Smiling, Abdullah walked into the room full of ladies. When he got to where Nnadia was sitting, he took her hand in his.

" Please come with me." He told her lovingly. 

All eyes were on them when they walked out with their hands intertwined. Nnadia felt a different kind of hotness all over her. She was really pleased with how attractive her outfit looked on her, otherwise, she would have felt inferior because the person she was walking with looked nothing but perfect. 

Stopping in front of the main door, Abdullah turned to Nnadia. The way he looked at her made her feel both cherished and nervous at the same time.

" I pray that God bless our marriage with love and happiness. I spent the entire night praying for us." He informed her with a smile. 

Speechless, Nnadia struggled to take in the information that he just dropped on her. Was he really that serious about her? 

Abdullah opened the door and led Nnadia to the front of a brand new ash-colored Bentley Mulsanne. He dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out the keys. 

" Here, it's yours wifey." He said, handing over the keys to her. 

Nnadia wasn't expecting this at all. She looked at him to find him smiling at her.

" This... this is very expensive. I can't accept..." But was cut off when he placed his finger to her lips. 

" Shhhh..." He told her. " Everything that I have is yours. You can use any of the other cars anytime you wish. This is just my engagement gift to you."

" Thank you very much." She told him shyly. 

Coming even closer to her, Abdullah noticed the nervous expression on Nadia's face. He felt naughty instantly. She tried moving but he seemed reluctant to give way. She'd have to push past him to escape. 

" Can I go inside please?" She asked him quietly. Looking down at her feet. 

" Can I get a hug please?" He replied teasingly. 

' Kiss him already." She heard Hajara scream from up the balcony.

They both looked up immediately to find a small crowd, staring down at them. Including both their mothers. Nnadia was so embarrassed that she wished the ground would open up and swallow her. Timidly, she brushed past him and ran into the house.

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