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Came too late


(trigger warning: violence)

Christmas flew past in a flash with the group of friends receiving gifts from each other, blending into the festive spirit, and then came the 27th of December, where it was time for the couple to move out of the room.

Min gave a big pat on the huge bag that held all their soft toys they won from the carnival, satisfied that she was able to shove everything in. Now all that was left was to do the actual moving and Min was all prepared in her disguise.

"What's that?" Yohan pointed at one lone wrapped present that was sitting on the desk when everything else was already packed.

"Oh uh...he should be here any minute now..." she trailed off before whipping out her phone to check for any notifications. Yohan scrunched his nose before shrugging. He was about to go check the bathroom when there was a knock on the door.

"Its me Seungwoo." the muffled voice between the door came through.

Him again? Yohan innerly groaned before he leaned against the desk, with his arms crossed. Just what on earth was Seungwoo doing here at this point of time, when they were about to move? His frown got even deeper when he saw Min skipping happily towards the door.

She opened the door and pulled the male inside before closing it quickly. Min went over to the desk and grabbed the present before giving it to Seungwoo. "Here, your christmas gift. Why didn't you come for our gathering?" Min pouted.

He was invited to the gathering? Those thoughts inevitably crossed Yohan's mind as he stared intensely at the older male. Seungwoo noticed how Yohan was literally glaring holes at him and shuffles a little further away from Min, only to get pulled back by the clueless girl.

"Oh I was settling my graduation paperwork. But thanks! I, uh don't have a gift for you though. How bout I treat you to lunch? Or help you with your things? You're moving today right?" Seungwoo offered gleefully, only to remember Yohan was there together with them. Although he was dead silent, Seungwoo could sense the brutal atmosphere and wondered how Min was so dense to this.

"Or maybe not..." Seungwoo trailed off, his eyes flickered to look at Yohan before looking back at Min, feeling incredibly uneasy.

"Its okay! I have Yohan to help me but lunch seems like a good idea but not today I guess. I'll call you up soon to catch up." The female beamed as she swung an arm around the taller male. No words could describe how panic-stricken Seungwoo was when he quickly pushed Min's arm away, nervously laughing.

That is the last straw. That's it I am done. There was no way Yohan was okay with all these happening right in front of his eyes.

He didn't know how to describe how he felt at that moment. Was it jealousy? Barely. It was never jealousy, Yohan never felt that but he felt a pang to his heart everytime Min touched Seungwoo. It was so uncomfortable, it felt like there was something in his gut that he wanted to pull out. Yohan felt queasy.

"Alright i'm ready! Let's get going." Min smiled as she pulled the strings to her hoodie.

Yohan didn't move an inch.

The female tilted her head in confusion before waving her hands in front of her boyfriend. "Hello? Earth to Yohannie? Let's go." this time, she held his wrist but Yohan pulled away, the grimace on his face was evident and that made Min drop her smile.

"Yohan what's wrong?" She quickly asked anxiously but he could only heave a disappointed sigh, his eyebrows still furrowed into a frown as he refused to look at the girl.

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