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First Day of School


Her alarm clock rang loudly and Min shot up from the bed in panic before rushing to off it, not wanting to wake her roommate up. Min figured out the best way to live through the semester in a male dormitory was to wake up 3 hours before everyone does. Low chances of being seen and nobody would question why she was coming from the direction of the male dormitories.

"Gotta make some friends today." she sighed. Who knows, maybe if she made some good friends, she could crash into the female dormitory and life would be so much more easier. Rubbing her eyes, Min pushed open the bathroom door but once she sees the sight in front of her, she stupidly turned around and accidentally hit her forehead on the metal bed frame.

Kim Yohan was awake, in the bathroom, almost naked if it weren't for his boxers.

Yoon Min can never unsee this.

Min, still having her hand on her forehead to ease the pain, refused to budge as she kept her eyes closed. Yohan put his clothes back on in the speed of lightning before stepping out of the bathroom, not really knowing how to deal with a situation like this. Was he supposed to feel violated? Shy? Embarrassed?

Yohan took Min's hand away from her forehead and the two of them literally paused as they stared at each other. A smirk slowly crept up onto Min's face while the opposite happened to the latter since he totally forgot about his own 'No Skin Contact' rule in that flabbergasted moment. "I'm craving for some chicken cutlet. By the way." Min teased him, emphasizing on each word slowly before shutting the bathroom door.

In the bathroom, Min's head started to heat up quickly, remembering what she saw. That perfectly sculpted body. Of course Yohan would have abs. He's a Taekwondo athlete after all. "Oh man, wew." she murmured while fanning herself, wondering why the heck was she feeling so hot all of a sudden.


It was the first day of the semester, which meant that every department had to be gathered in one place, play some ice breakers this and that. Normal first day orientation things. After that, the classes would be formed and boring stuff comes right after blah blah. In general, just normal school things, even though this was a specialized sports university.

Everyone was dressed the same, in SSU's vanity jacket and track pants, so no one could tell who was from which department, but they always tried to guess based on looks. Looking at the bustling crowd of students, Min could only sigh. She swore that all this sighing was going to age her at the speed of x2. "To a new school life." she cheered to herself before going into what seems like an ant crowd.

Everyone was just going everywhere.

"Hey are you from the ice skating department?" a person that walked past Min asked her, leaving her in shock but she figured that everyone was just going to start asking her so she shrugged.

"Ice skating department?"

"Are you from the ice skating department?"

Dahell, do I look that much of an ice skater? she furrowed her eyebrows before ignoring a couple of students. Initially, Min felt bad for ignoring them but she realized everyone was just asking for fun and they would ignore the question if it was wrong, which was so bloody weird because this isn't ice breaking at all. No pun intended.

Min finally came across a familiar face and fake scowled. "Let me guess, are you from the weightlifting department?" she purposely added some clownery in her tone, wanting to get a reaction from her roommate.

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