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jimin drove, and drove, and drove. he lied. he wasn't going to his fathers, he didn't even have a father. he died when jimin was two. he just wanted to get away from everyone and everything.

Tears were streaming down the young boys face as he kept driving off into no where. On his phone there were 18 missed calls from Yoongi as well as 53 unread texts. Jimin wanted nothing to do with the older. He turned his phone on silent and just kept driving.

Jimin was getting tired of driving so he decided to park by a curb, taking a break.

His back, arms, and legs were sore so he decided to hop out of his car and take a quick walk, even though it was nearly 10 pm at night.

Jimin walked around the sidewalk until he came across a night bar. He sighed while thinking "a little drink won't hurt right?". The boy agreed with himself as he walked into the bar, still holding a sad expression on his face.

Jimin walked over to the counters and got a hold of the bartender.

"10 shots of vodka please" Jimin requested with dry stained tears on his cheeks. the bartender gave him a strange expression.

"Had a rough night?" The man asked. Jimin nodded in response.

"My boyfriend cheated on me."

"Ah, that sucks. I'm sorry dude" the bartender apologized as he went to get the vodka.

"It's cool, he doesn't love me anyways." Jimin stated through dry tears, emotionless.

The man returned with the shot glasses and handed them to jimin.

"What's your name?" The bartender asked.


"What a pretty name Jimin" The broken boy just nodded while picking up the shot glass.

"my names taemin, lee taemin" the older smirked, watching the younger down the shots

"You know, I bet I could make up for your loss" The rather attractive bartender stated.

"Lets have sex" Jimin replied.

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