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"Yoongs? What are you doing?" Jimin questioned as his boyfriend stomped through the kitchen who seemed to be looking for something.

"I can't find my car keys"

Jimin raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

"Going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I gotta stop by hobi's to pick up his dog. He's leaving for the week and no one is gonna be able to watch him so he asked me to" Yoongi explained. Jimin nodded as he walked over to the counter to pick up his phone.

Jimin picked up his phone off the counter and opened the device. His eyes widened as he read what was on the screen.

"Oh shit"

The words made Yoongi turn his attention over to Jimin.


"Tae's not ok. He's sent me hundreds of texts. He wants me to come over"

"What happened?"

Jimin looked back up at Yoongi.

"I don't know.. well while that getting his dog I'll swing by Tae's and see whats wrong. You good with that?"

Yoongi bluntly nodded.

"Yeah I just need to find my fucking car keys."

"Did you look in your shoes?"

"Why would they be in my shoes?" Yoongi scoffed.

"Just a suggestion" Jimin told as he walked up to yoongi and gave him a small kiss goodbye.

"Love you!"

"Yeah" Yoongi responded, showing no emotion as Jimin walked out the door.

Once he was gone, Yoongi ran over to his shoes and looked inside.

"shit they really were in my shoes"


Jimin headed over to Tae's, texting him back on the way there.

He pulled up into a parking lot and parked his car. Jimin walked inside and up to Tae's room. Once he got there he softly knocked on the door.

"Tae?" he asked.

"Come in" Tae said while sounding in distress. Jimin opened the door and was greeted with his best friend pacing his room while his hands on his head.

"Woah woah woah what the fuck happened" Jimin asked as he stopped tae from pacing.

"That fucking demon ass bitch" Tae said as he threw himself onto the couch. Jimin just looked puzzled as he stared down at his best friend.

"Uh, care to explain?"

Taehyung sighed.

"Jungkooks dad is a real dick and i'm not kidding."


The younger looked up at Jimin with an unsatisfied look on his face.

"Tell. me. what. happened. now" Jimin protested as he sat on the couch with younger.

Taehyung groaned as he sat himself up and put his hands in his head. He then told jimin everything that happened, including every detail.

In the end, Jimin was furious. His face was red and his eyes looked like they had fire in them.

"Why the fuck would someone do that to their child. I mean, house arresting for like a few days is reasonable, but for forever? That's fucking disgusting."

"I know" Taehyung sighed. "His birthday is the first of september though, I'm thinking about doing something real special for him."

Jimin raised his eyebrows.


"I don't know what exactly yet, but since he's never really seen the world since he was five.. I might sneak him outside his house. but I don't know yet i need to plan everything out. All I know It's gonna be the best birthday he's ever had."

"Oh my god Tae that's so cute oh my fucking god your seriously the best boyfriend material Jungkook is so lucky."

Taehyung sat up and threw a pillow at jimin.

"shut up i'm not his boyfriend!!!" tae exclaimed as he kept hitting jimin with the pillow

"Whatever you say bro"

i seriously never update i'm so sorry i hate myself 🤡

but jk i love myself and you should love urself too👺💞💞💞💞

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