Every Little Thing (requested)

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I knew the sound by heart, the loud crackling of the gravel as Ringo pulled into the driveway. It never failed to make me smile, even after all these years of marriage.

Perhaps it was even more special nowadays because I had a certain little someone to share my excitement with.

"Do you hear that?" I asked my son who's attention was currently being occupied by toy trains. He lifted his head up and flashed me his happy, toothless grin. I melted instantly.

"Dada?" He cooed softly.

"Yes, that's right! Dada!"

It amazed me how at only eight months-old, he had already taken on the appearance of his father. His hair was rich and brown and he had those same piercing blue eyes filled with childlike wonder.

"Look over there!" I pointed to the door. He turned his head quickly and squealed as soon as he caught a glimpse of Ringo in the window.

"DADA!" He shouted.

"Go get him!" I encouraged.

In a matter of seconds he dropped his trains and began to crawl towards the doorway. It was as if he were a toy that someone had wound up, he was crawling so fast. It made me chuckle.

Right on cue, Ringo bursted through the door just as Ritchie arrived. A smile spread across his face as he looked at his boy, who was now sitting right at his feet.

"Well hello there little one!" He beamed.

"DADA! DADA!" Ritchie babbled loudly, begging to be picked up with his arms stretched to the sky.

"Just a minute. I've got to get my coat off." Ringo giggled and did just that, then hung it up on the rack.

"Alright up you go." He smiled before scooping his son into his arms.

"I see somebody is excited to see their daddy!" Ringo said, digging his hand into Ritchie's hip to tickle him. He wiggled around and roared with laughter as Ringo carried him to the kitchen where I was standing.

"Have you been a good boy for mummy today?" He asked as he kissed him on the forehead. Ritchie nodded his head and kept on laughing with glee.

"Was he really a good boy?" Ringo asked me with that stern fatherly look. It was rather sexy, if I must admit.

"Yes, wonderful as always." I retorted. "Such a little love, our boy."

Ringo smiled and gave me a peck on the mouth. His lips were freezing from the cold, so I brought him in for another kiss to warm them up.

"How was your day, sweetheart?" I asked, looking into his dazzling eyes for the first time this evening.

"Long." He sighed. "But I'm happy to finally be home with my two babies."

I looked over to Ritchie who was now sucking his thumb, finally winding down from the excitement. Ringo held him tight against his chest and kissed his hair, making my heart melt.

"Why don't I go read him a bedtime story and let you relax." Ringo offered.

I had to admit it did sound nice to have some time to myself.

"That would be lovely. Thank you, Ringo." I grinned.

And with that, they were off.


After about fifteen minutes of lounging around and I began to miss my boys, so I made my way to Ritchie's room.

I pushed the slightly ajar door open and saw the two of them sitting on the rocking chair. They hadn't noticed me yet so I took a moment to soak in the sight.

Ringo Starr Smuts & Maybe Sometimes a Little Fluff Where stories live. Discover now