First time

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"Just calm down Y/N. Breathe. It'll be okay."

I relayed again and again to myself as I stood in front of the mirror, staring at the reflection before me.

What if I couldn't go through with it? What if it was too painful?

I knew I couldn't let my nerves get the best of me. I'd waited too long for this moment and so had he. Even if the voices my head tried to stop me, I would still go through with it.

I touched up my lipstick for what seemed like the hundredth time, and then looked over to the window.

I heard a honk outside, and saw that his car had just pulled up to my driveway.

Well he's here. No going back now.

I walked over to the sitting room and grabbed my keys off of the table. I swooped my purse over my shoulder and headed out the door. My heart was pounding and my stomach was in knots. Though I'd never say it out loud, I was absolutely terrified.

"Hello love!" Ringo said as he got out to open my door. I smiled at him, and stepped into the car.

"Are you okay, Y/N?"

I must've been visibly shaken, as his tone was like a concerned parent. I nodded, and he began to drive.

"I thought we could go to a park. I know of a beautiful one just a few miles from here. Sound good?" He asked, looking over to me as he steered.

"I'd love that." I managed to speak through my crippling anxiety. I looked around and saw a rolled cigarette sitting in the middle console of the car. I slipped it between my fingers and brought it to my lips.

"Wow! Didn't know you were into that sort of thing." Ringo chuckled, handing me a lighter from his shirt pocket.

"What sort of thing?" I asked, lighting the end of the cigarette and taking a long drag.

I immediately began to cough profusely. I struggled to catch my already heavy breath as the thick smoke travelled down my airways.

"Are you alright love?"

"Y... yes." I breathed out through my choking. A muffled laugh escaped Ringos lips as he turned to the side so I wouldn't see him.

"It's not funny Ringo, what the fuck is this?" I said, pointing at what I thought was the cigarette that now laid in the ashtray.

"It's weed, darling. I figured you knew." He laughed.

I shot a death glare at him which caused him to quit giggling.

I felt annoyed at his amusement, but part of me also felt a lot more relaxed. The rest of the ride was awkwardly silent.

The pot must've been kicking in and I must say, the sensation was rather delightful. I stared out of the window as Ringo drove to our destination.

When we got there I really began to feel my inhibitions go away. I turned to Ringo and studied his face.

He'd never looked so gorgeous.

Ringo Starr Smuts & Maybe Sometimes a Little Fluff Where stories live. Discover now