Summer of Love

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"Where do you want this one?" Ringo asks, arms shaking from the weight of the box he was holding.

"Hmm..." George rubs his chin, seemingly deep in thought.

"Today, Hazza! I'm not built for heavy lifting!"

"Just put it in Summer's room, yeah?" He said, pointing down the hall.

Summer. Now there was a name Ringo hadn't heard in a while.

She was George's little sister, and sweet as all get out. He remembered her fondly with her thick, brown hair and freckles peppered across her nose and cheeks. Her sweet pink lips and the smile that often danced across them. He couldn't help but grin himself when that picture of her entered his mind, filling his heart with nostalgia.

Carefully, he placed the box down into the bedroom and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. While he caught his breath he looked around the room at the heaps of unopened boxes, all containing Summer's things. He wondered what was in them, and where she was.

"There you are, we need you out here!" George said, leaning against the doorway. Ringo snapped out of his daze and quickly joined him in the other room.

"So how's Summer?" Ringo asked George as he chugged down a tall glass of water.

"Fine, why?" George responded curtly as he stuffed his face with crisps.

"Just wondering." He faltered off, staring out of the window across the street.

"She's supposed to be joining us later today, you can ask her yourself then." George added. "Alright, lets get back to it.


The boys continued hauling boxes until the truck was empty, and the work was finally done. George's parents were grateful for the help with moving, and especially for Ringo for offering his time. To thank him, they invited him to stay for dinner.

"Should be ready very soon." George's mother smiled as she stirred a pot of something. It smelled heavenly, and Ringo could feel his stomach gurgle. George was sitting on the couch with his father, both of them fighting a nap as they watched the telly.

All of the sudden there was a knock at the door. Seeing that he was the only one not doing anything, Ringo took it upon himself to answer it.

As soon as he opened it his eyes were drawn to the gorgeous woman standing on the other side. He was utterly speechless, his heart lurching at the sight of Summer Harrison in all her grown-up glory.

"Earth to Ringo!" Summer chuckled, snapping her long, polished fingers in front of his face and making him flinch.

"I'm so sorry." He apologized with an awkward, boyish giggle.

"Would you like to come in?" He asked, his voice shaky.

"Well yeah, it's my bloody house." She giggled.

"Of course."

He opened up the door and led her inside, watching as her breasts bounced with every step. They were held back only by a thin white camisole top, leaving little to his imagination.

"Sis!" George perked up, running towards her for a hug. She fell into her brothers arms and smiled, savoring the reunion. She did the same with her father, then her mother, and then finally Ringo got a friendly side-hug as well.

"So glad you made it for dinner!" Louise cheered from the kitchen as she put the finishing touches on the table.

"Me too, mum." She grinned. Looking over at Ringo, she smiled playfully.

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