Hey Bulldog (Fluff)

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I hear the car pull up in the driveway, along with the rattling of gravel underneath the tires.

Once I hear Ringo walking up to the door, I close the book I'm reading to come and meet him there.

Turning the knob I open it wide, then smile at the sight of my husband toting bags of groceries in his hands.

"Hey! Is there more?" I ask, peering over his shoulder.

"No!" He shouts defensively, making me raise an eyebrow. "Sorry, yes- there is."

"Okay?" I mutter suspiciously. "Let me go get the-"

"No, please don't. Stay inside." He says, walking towards the kitchen to place the bags down.

"What? Why?" I chuckle nervously. "What's happened? You're acting strange..."

"Oh God please don't be mad at me..." he mumbles under his breath, capturing his head in his hands and leaning his back against the wall.

"Okay now I'm really worried, what's the matter?" I ask, rushing to his side.

"I just couldn't resist, baby. I just got caught up in the moment and now I'm...ugh." He banked, shaking his head shamefully.

"What the hell did you do?" I back away slightly, my mind running rampant with bad thoughts. Did he cheat on me? Did he gamble away all his money? What could he possibly be talking about?

"God, I didn't mean to do it! They were just right there tempting me and I had to give in!"

"Ringo spit it out! Whatever it is just tell me!"

"Okay! Okay! Come with me." He says, sweat now beading out of his pores. I eagerly follow him outside to the car, anxious to know what this secret is that appears to be eating him alive.

I stand with my arms crossed in the front of the car as he opens the door of the backseat, mumbling words I can't quite understand.

"Ritchie? What's that noise?" I all of the sudden here a chorus of whimpers and soft, squeaky barks coming from inside of the car.

"Please forgive me for this." He says before retrieving a large box from the seat and bringing it towards me.

"RITCHIE!" I scream as I look inside of the box at five little chocolate-colored puppies panting and scurrying around.

"They were just too cute, babe! They would have gone to a shelter if I hadn't taken them! Just look at their little faces!" He coos, placing the box on the ground. Once it's there we each take out two puppies and hold them in our arms.

"What do you think?" He asks, crinkling his nose as the puppies in his hand lick his face vehemently.

"What do I think?" I squeal as I take the last puppy into my arms. "I think we've just become a family of seven!"


Okay what's wrong with me 😂🙈

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