We Can Work It Out (request)

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"You heard me, Ringo! Who the hell is Kimberly?" I probed as I waved the unopened letter in his face.

"Darling she's just a fan! How many times do I have to tell you that?" He barked back. "I get fan mail all the time! It's nothing new!"

"Just a fan? Why is she sending letters to the house and not the studio? What if Ritchie had found it first? Did you even think of that? No!" I was seething, my voice trembling more with every word.

He remained cold, staring at me with no emotion.

"I'm waiting, Richard Starkey!" I bellowed, feeling impatient.

"Would you stop yelling!! You know I love you and only you! Have I not made that perfectly clear with this life I've provided for you and the kids?" He barked. "I can't believe you don't trust me!"

"Ringo, I do trust you! It's just that this kind of thing happens constantly! Musicians like you cheating with fans! I'm just afraid of-"

"Oh good Lord, would you please shut up? I told you I'd always be true to you and I meant it! Whatever you believe is your own fucking problem!" He threw his hands up and turned his back, forcing tears to fall from my eyes.

"Ringo I just...I just don't want you to leave me...leave us." I cried more, nearly hyperventilating.

"Yeah well you're acting like a bloody loon!" He shouted towards me, his anger bursting. "I've not done anything to make you doubt me!"

He did have a point, but I couldn't take any more of his verbal beating. He had already hurt me enough, so I stormed out of the kitchen and into the safety of our bedroom.


As I laid in our bed, I couldn't sleep a wink. Flashbacks of our argument clouded my every thought, making me want to cry even more than I already had.

As angry as I was, I still missed him. He was my home, and without him in our bed I felt lost.

I sighed as I pulled his pillow close to me, inhaling his scent that lingered on it. How I missed his warm embrace. Just as I finally began to drift to sleep, I heard the door creak open.

I peeled my eyes open, though I couldn't find the strength to face him quite yet.

"What do you want?" I muttered softly, my voice hoarse from crying and my back turned.

"Can't sleep without you." he chuckled, making me smile for the first time in a while. Damn him.

Reluctantly, I scooted up in bed and saw him standing in the doorway. He had a blanket draped over his shoulders, and had never looked so vulnerable. It was also clear from his bloodshot eyes that he'd been crying too, which made me feel a little better.

"Listen... I really screwed up. You had every right to question that letter. It was wrong of me to lash out at you." He began. "I am so, so sorry, my angel."

I looked down and tried to hold back tears.

"You called me a bloody loon." I whispered. "How do you think that made me feel?"

Ringo's face contorted to sadness and tears slid down his cheeks. He walked towards the bed and sat down at the edge of it, then placed his hand on my knee.

"I know, love. I know. I don't know why I said what I said. I've just been under so much stress and I guess you accusing me of cheating just threw me over the edge." He shrugged, wiping the wetness off of his cheeks.

Ringo Starr Smuts & Maybe Sometimes a Little Fluff Where stories live. Discover now