It Don't Come Easy (sort of a request)

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"How does your dad still look that good?" I said to my best friend Marie as I slowly sipped some lemonade, staring at their family photo on the wall.

"Erm... I don't know. Look, you gotta stop talking about my dad that way it's super weird!" She laughs, but I can tell she's slightly uncomfortable.

"And why are you ogling my father anyway? Aren't you still with Brad?"

I rolled my eyes when I heard his name. Yes, technically I was still with Brad, but we were fizzling out fast.

I went into detail about our relationship, explaining to Marie how Brad just wasn't spending as much time with me as he used to. I figured that like most couples our age we were just simply getting bored and needed to move onto better things.

"Well, if you're that miserable you should just break up with him." Marie said as she fixed us both lunch.

"I would, but I..." I stop, fearful of what she might think of me if I proceed with my statement.

"You want the sex, huh?" She finishes my sentence with a cheeky giggle.

"I mean... it's not like it's even that good but he's all I have." I laughed as I stared down at the ice in my cup.

"Tell me more, girl!" Marie asked excitedly as she placed two sandwiches before us and sat down next to me.

"Well... he's not the best at... ya know... getting it up?" I began. "And he's so sloppy! Once he's done he just rolls over and falls asleep. No cuddling- nothing. Just a lazy wet log!" We both chuckle like schoolgirls as we eat lunch and continue to gossip at Brads expense.

"Y'know, give the poor lad a break. He'll get better with age." Mr. Starkey chimed in from behind us. I hadn't even been aware of his presence until now, and I was positively mortified.

"Dad! How long were you standing there!" Marie exclaimed. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

"Not long, I just came in to tell Y/N that the guest house is all ready for her." He smiled.

"Thanks Mr. Starkey!" My voice shook, and my cheeks were beet red.

"ThAnKs Mr. StArKeY" Marie mocked me. I shot daggers at her, which only egged her on even more. She giggled hysterically as she watched mine and her fathers interaction, making me sink further into my seat.

"Well, I'll leave you girls alone. I'm gonna go out with the boys for a while. You guys going to be alright without me?" He joked.

"You keep forgetting we're eighteen now!" Marie rolls her eyes.

"I know, I know. Just don't throw any parties! Or if you do at least invite me!" He laughed, earning a playful slug on the arm from his daughter.

"Dad GO!" Marie yelped.

Mr. Starkey grinned and swiped his keys off the table before heading out the door, leaving Marie and I on our own once again.


Marie and I ordered pizza and watch a few episodes of our favorite show. We chilled on the couch in her guest house for a while just chatting away and laughing until our guts were sore. It was just like our old high school sleepovers.

"Well, I think I'm going to head back. I'm knackered." Marie yawned, barely keeping her eyes open.

"Yeah I'm pretty beat too." I agreed.

We hugged each other goodnight and Marie headed inside of her house to go to bed.

I walked around the beautifully decorated guest house for a while listening to the tv in the background. It was always hard for me to sleep anywhere away from home, so I knew I'd probably be up for a while. I headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water, then heard the door open in the sitting room.

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