Eight Days A Week

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I sat in my car, tapping the steering wheel to an unknown beat. I tried to focus on the clouds outside, or the song on the radio. I tried to focus on literally anything other than Ringo.

I checked my watch and saw that I still had ten more minutes. I debated calling Brian to tell him I couldn't make it in today, but I knew that wasn't going to fly. I'd taken too many days off already.


I bit my nail almost to the point of drawing blood as thoughts of last night whirled around my brain. I could still feel the ache inside of me from the sins that took place in Ringo's bed. I wasn't sure how I was going to face him today, but I knew I had to be a woman and handle it.

The first time we kissed I knew it was wrong. I  even considered quitting my job as the Beatles secretary to prevent it from happening again.

The second and third time he kissed me the feelings of guilt and shame ended up melting into lust. Our forbidden snogs and cheeky banter turned into a need for each other's bodies that became unbearable.

We swore we'd never go past kissing. He said he couldn't hurt Maureen like that. At least that was what he used to say before last night.

I look to my watch and find that it's time to go in. I swallow hard and button the top of my coat, then get out of my car to face the cold.


"Morning Y/N! Phones are ringing off the hook today so you've got your work cut out for you!" I heard Brian say as I hung my coat on the rack. I muster a smile, then head to my desk to get busy.

From my desk I could see the studio, and it was a view I often admired. It was lovely to hear the boys play, and watch them get excited over everything. I could see Ringo fiddling with his drumsticks as the others tuned their instruments. I watched him smile and beam from afar. I felt my cheeks get hot thinking about how those beautiful blue eyes stared into mine as he made love to me last night.

"Hello?" I hear a woman's voice, which rudely broke me out of my blissful daydream.

"Yes, can I he-" I stop dead in my tracks when I realize who it is. It's Maureen. Ringo's wife.

"How can I help you?" I quickly recover so she doesn't become suspicious.

"I'd like to see my husband, if that's alright? I know I'm not supposed to be here while they're recording but I thought if I came early I might catch him before they get going?" She spoke sweetly.

"Sure! Let me tell Brian."

I get up to do just that, then head back to my desk. Maureen is sitting by the door waiting with her eyes glued to me.

"Must be fun working here" She comments as she taps her shoes on the hardwood floor.

"It has its perks!" I reply, smirking ever so slightly.


Like fucking your husband.

"I bet it's hard to focus with all these handsome men around." She smiles.

"Meh, I don't even notice them half the time." I joke, and she laughs.

"There he is!" She says as Ringo walks up to her, immediately taking her in his arms for a hug. Watching them together makes me want to vomit.

I try not to show how jealous I am by burying myself into my work, doing my best not to pay attention to the show they're putting on.


Ringo Starr Smuts & Maybe Sometimes a Little Fluff Where stories live. Discover now