Diamonds, Diamonds (request)

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Ringo wasn't like the other boys. I guess that's what drew me to him. I really admired his gentle spirit and relaxed approach to life. I loved his ability to live in the moment and truly enjoy all that this world had to offer.

We really only hung out in a group setting, usually with his band or with friends. We never had much one on one time but whenever we did I treasured it greatly. Today was one of those rare occasions. I had come to his flat to drop off some records he'd let me borrow, and he asked if I'd stay for tea. Of course I said yes.

As I sat on his couch I began to flip through his photo album on the coffee table, living vicariously through every picture. Some were silly, others were gorgeous. I admired them all.

Ringo had a lot of hidden talents, one of which was photography. My, was he brilliant. He really had the ability to capture still life in such a way that made you feel present in his photographs. Since we'd become friends we'd gotten to talking more about his passion for it. I could tell that it was something he really loved doing.

"What's that you've got there?" Ringo said from behind me, resting his elbows on the back of the couch.

"Just looking at your pictures. You really are incredible, you know." I admired. I looked up and saw his cheeks turn rosy at my compliment.

"You really think so?"

"Absolutely! Just look at these! You're a natural, Rings."

He sat next to me and peered over  my shoulder to have a look.

"Yeah. I do get a kick out of it. Hell, if I wasn't a drummer I'd probably try to do it professionally."

I loved how the pitch of his voice would change slightly whenever something excited him. I could listen to him ramble on forever.

"Maybe I could take a few pictures of you sometime?" He asked.

I was a bit shocked at the invitation, but also intrigued. I did have a crush on him, and had to admit that the thought of him wanting pictures of me made me a little giddy.

"I'd love that." I responded rather quickly, flipping to the next page of the album.

"How about right now?"

My nerves skyrocketed. I was wearing my everyday clothes, just a knee length skirt and a blouse. I didn't even wear any makeup or do anything special with my hair. I was definitely not model material.

"Now? Uh... I don't know. I don't look my best."

"Poppycock! You look..." he stopped mid sentence to lock his eyes with mine, tucking a stray piece of my hair behind my ear.

"You look beautiful. You always do."

I saw the deep sincerity in his electric blue eyes, making my heart feel like it was skipping beats.

"A-a-alright then." I stuttered, feeling much too distracted by his stunning features to care about anything else.

"Okay! Let me get me camera." He jumped up and practically ran to the other room. I giggled as I watched him, loving every bit of this passionate side of him I rarely got to see.

"Alright!" He returns with his camera around his neck.

"Now, I think me backyard has the best lighting, and the best scenery. Mind following me out back?"


Once we were on his patio he had me stand next to a hanging flower pot, with the blue sky creating a perfect background. I tried my best to pose, but really just felt ridiculous.

"Just act naturally!" He laughs. I look down at the grass underneath me and I hear him snap a picture of me without warning.

"Ringo!" I flip him the bird, and cover my face with my hands.

"Sorry love, my finger hit the button by accident!" He smirks, and I run over to playfully swat him on the shoulder.

"Ouch!" He giggles, taking me by the arm to stop me from any further abuse. We continued to bicker and mess around like children until somehow we ended up locking eyes again. Our laughter slowly faded out as we focused on each other more. I couldn't explain what happened, but something shifted in both of us. He let go of my hand but our eyes stayed fixated on one another. I took a step forward and he did the same, until our noses touched. His gaze moved towards my lips, and before another moment passed we were kissing. Though I'd been kissed before, this felt like the first time. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered rapidly and I closed my eyes to savor the experience.

We disconnected our lips only for a second before Ringo grasped the back of my head and pulled me in for another kiss. This time he kissed me with dominance, his tongue grazing the bottom half of my lip. I take it in and massage it with mine, turning this into a heavy makeout session.

He places his hands on my bum and lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. As we continue to kiss he somehow slides the door open and takes me inside to his room where he tosses me on his unmade bed.

I prop myself up on my elbows as I watch him undress, removing his shirt first, then his pants. I decide to remove my blouse, and he climbs on top of me and begins to lick and nip at every bit of exposed skin on my torso.

I moan, my breath quickening with every touch of his plump lips. I feel like I'm in a trance.

"Oh Ringo" I yelp as he keeps working his way down my chest.

"Are you alright?" He says, stopping to look at me for reassurance.

"Fuck yes." I groan pushing his head down between my legs. A devious smile forms on his face as he hooks his fingers on the top of my skirt and pulls it down along with my knickers, revealing my aching pussy.

"My God." He moans before diving into my heat face first. His tongue begins to circle around my clit, making me clutch the sheets in euphoria. He feels so good against me, I can barely get ahold of myself. I already feel like I could cum.

I feel him suck gently on my protruding jewel as he inserts one of his fingers into me. I gasp at the unexpected gesture, but It feels unbelievably good.

He grasps onto my thigh with his left hand, squeezing it as he pumps his finger in and out of me. The passion is overwhelming and my juices pool into his welcoming mouth. My eyes roll in the back of my head as my body trembles. I clutch onto his thick hair, letting all of my love release itself.

Once I finish I flop my legs back onto the bed, feeling like a pile of mush.

"Fuck Ringo. That was amazing." I say breathily as he crawls over my body up to my face.

"Oh sweetheart, that was just my warm-up."

Before I even have time to react he pushes his entire manhood into me, instantly pumping at a crazy fast pace.

My hands don't know what to do so I just dig them into his back, leaving scratches behind with every hard thrust.

"Fuck. Fuck. Oh my God" at this point I'm screaming, unable to function as he brings me into another ravishing orgasm. My body feels so beaten and yet so incredible at the same time. I'm absolutely loving it.

Ringo doesn't last long either, coming to his own grand finale shortly after mine. We lay breathlessly in bed for a while, cuddling and soaking in the bliss.

I almost drift off to sleep when I feel Ringo get up from the tangled mess of sheets.

"Where are you going?" I ask, watching him pick something up off of the floor.

As I slide up to get a better look I hear the snap of a shutter.


We both laughed, and then fell asleep peacefully in each other's embrace.

This was a request made by the lovely WeAreNotDoingGetHelp , based on the song "diamonds, diamonds" by Max Webster. I was inspired by the line, "she comes into focus, focus- the closer she gets the more I know." So I decided to make it about photography. I hope you like it! Thank you for always supporting me ❤️

Ringo Starr Smuts & Maybe Sometimes a Little Fluff Where stories live. Discover now