One Night Stand (request)

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The Beatles had just finished their set for the night, and I was more than ready to go.

Don't get me wrong, they're a brilliant band- I'm just not very into concerts. I don't like how loud they are, and I also didn't appreciate the heaps of screaming girls blowing out my eardrums every five seconds. To be honest, all I wanted to do was go home and snuggle my cat, but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. My friends Janis and Kim dragged me to the back of the venue in hopes of meeting one of the Beatles.

How stupid can they be

I thought to myself as they shouted like banshees at the security guards blocking the back door.

"Come on, y/n! You're being such a drag!" Janis said, flashing Kim an annoyed grimace and making her nod in agreement.

"Yeah! Don't you want to see one of them in the flesh? OH MY GOD what if they say hi to us! Ahhhhhhh!" Kim squealed.

I just rolled my eyes in disgust, leaning over the velvet rope that was holding us back.

I peered over to the back entrance doors and saw A tall portly man in a black suit come through them. He appeared to be important, and very determined.

He looked over at our group, and I could have sworn he was focused on me, but why would he be?

I watched as he starting strolling towards us, then gasped when he walked right up to me.

"Pardon me, dear- but would you like to join me backstage to meet one of the Beatles?" His voice was deep and professional.

"Pssssh, yeah right. Move along, tough gu-" before I could finish my sentence Janis covered my mouth tightly and answered for me.

"YES SHE WOULD!" she yelled, then removed her hand from my mouth.

"Jan what the fuck?" I whisper to her.


"OMG WHAT IF ITS PAUL!" Kim cries, nearly seizing from her excitement.

"Miss, I'm going to need an answer." The man reiterates.

"Okay fiiiine." I whine. The man pulls back the rope and places his hand on the small of my back, quickly leading me towards the door. While I walk with him the teenage girls are going wild, shouting and cursing and calling me obscene names. I could hardly believe the madness.

Once inside he led me to a large parking garage near the door that held multiple black limousines and a couple of security cars. He opened the door the one of the limos and urged me to get it. All of my nerves were reeling from this, telling me there was no chance in hell I was going to get into a car with this strange man.

"No. Absolutely not!" I tell, tossing my hands in the air and walking away towards the door. He yells after me to come back, but at this point I've made up my mind that meeting a Beatle isn't worth the hassle.

Before I could open the door to leave I lock eyes with what were sure to be the bluest orbs I'd ever seen in my life.

"Going somewhere, love?" The blue-eyed gentlemen asks me.

Wait, this guy is sharply dressed, and he has that signature mop top. It's one of them.

"Yes, I'm going home. This bloody creep wants me to get in his car!" I yell.

"Oooh, she's feisty! Come with me!" I squeak as he grabs my arm and runs me into a dressing room, closing the door behind us and locking it. For some weird reason I trusted this guy more than the big limo dude.

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