Good Day Sunshine (John Lennon smut)

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I sat at the coffee shop, enjoying a quiet Sunday morning with the latest issue of Vogue. There were no worries or cares, just me, my magazine, and a steaming hot latte.

I flipped through the pages, admiring the images they held and wishing I could look more like the models. I wasn't unattractive by any means, standing at 5'5 with long brown hair and tanned skin. My eyes were boring and brown, unlike the baby blues and emerald greens that these women had. I was alright, but nothing special compared to these tens that graced the pages of Vogue.

The more I read the more self-conscious I became. I didn't want anything to ruin my day, so I rolled up the magazine and placed it back into my purse. Next to it in my bag was a crossword book, so I slipped that out along with a pen.

Before I could catch it, the pen slipped out of my grip. I sighed as I watched it roll along the concrete, almost falling into a gutter until a black leather shoe stopped it in its tracks.

I shifted my gaze from the shoe to the man wearing it, and was immediately dazzled.

My mother always told me it was rude to stare, but my mother never saw a man like this. He was criminally gorgeous, with a smile that lit up every one of his features.

"I think this is yours, miss." He said sweetly, handing me the little black pen. His fingers touched mine when he gave it back, making me flinch ever so slightly.

"Thank you, Sir!" I grinned appreciatively, gesturing at my crossword pamphlet that sat on the table.

"Can't do a crossword without my pen!" I felt so dumb, and punished myself internally for always being so awkward around cute boys.

"Ha, true." He giggled, keeping his eyes locked onto my face. I did the same, noticing his precious lips curling into the most adorable grin that made his nose crinkle.

"What's a pretty bird like you doing here all alone?" He asked.

I blushed in disbelief, wondering why this beautiful man just called me pretty.

"Just enjoying the quiet morning!" I chimed, my voice still shallow.

"May we enjoy the quiet together?" He asked, pulling out the chair across from me.

"I'd love that." I muttered nervously, being careful to not stare at him too much. It was nearly impossible to take my eyes off of him.

We spent the next two hours talking about our lives, and who we were. His name was John Lennon, and he was in a band called The Beatles. I facepalmed myself once he told me, feeling like an idiot for not recognizing him. I found out that he was recently divorced, and had a little boy called Julian. I learned that he loved tea and chocolate, a man after my own heart. He was charming and down to earth, radiating a lovely energy that matched mine perfectly.

I felt boring compared to him, but he treated me like I was the most interesting woman in the world. He hung onto every word I said as if they were the only thing that mattered to him. I adored his company.

"Well, I'd better get going. My kitties will wonder where their mother has been all morning." I giggled, and so did he.

"Wouldn't want to disappoint them now, would you?"

"No sir! My kitties are my babies!" I winked, opening up my wallet to show him a picture of the two white fluffy felines. After gushing about my furry loves, I popped my wallet back into my tote and swooped it over my shoulder.

"Thank you for a beautiful morning, John." I said to him as I rose from my chair. He rose up as well and took a step towards me.

"Pleasures all mine, love." He winked.

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