The Honeymoon (request)

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Yesterday I married my best friend. We made lifelong promises to one another before our families and friends, and danced until the sun went down. It was a picture perfect day, sure to be kept as my most favorite memory.

Sweet thoughts of our ceremony were soaring in my mind as the wind flowed through my hair. The crisp summer air was delighting every one of my senses as we drove down the highway towards our hotel.

Ringo's bright blue eyes twinkled in the sunlight, and not a worry in the world possessed them. I had never seen him so calm before, almost like he had become softer since getting married. I caught him smiling at nothing more than a few times today, and I wondered if it was me he was thinking about.

I must admit, I was almost more excited about this vacation than the actual wedding. Not only was this our honeymoon, it was also a break from the everyday stresses that had consumed our lives. It was a week away from the Beatles, and from the cold weather of Liverpool. A beach getaway was just what our hearts desired.

Once settled in at the hotel, we decided to head to the outdoor wine bar downstairs for a much needed drink. Though the wedding chaos was worth it, we both needed to blow off some steam.

I could feel Ringo's eyes searing a hole in my back as I walked in front of him towards the lounge. I was wearing a delicate red dress that flowed like a flag in the wind. It was one of those dresses I had to be careful with, as one swift breeze could whisk it up and reveal my undergarments. I know Ringo would love that, but I wanted to keep things PG for now.

We sat down at a secluded cabana near the ocean and for the first hour our eyes did most of the talking. We just focused on each other, basking in the intoxicating bliss of married life that was written across our faces.

"I love you so much, wife." Ringo sang as his fingers tickled my thigh softly.

"I love you more, husband!"

He was my husband. That hadn't fully sunken in yet.

Brushing a stray bit of hair behind my ear, he leaned in for a kiss. He tasted of wine and cigars, with a faint sweetness still lingering on his lips from our cake. Even though it was only a peck, all of our kisses were different now, and almost dreamlike. It felt like whenever our lips connected our souls did as well.


The next morning I woke up in my new husbands arms, locked in a tight cuddle that hadn't budged since we'd drifted to sleep.

"Good morning Mrs. Starkey." Ringo whispered as he planted a kiss on the back of my head, then rolled over to pull a pamphlet out of the nightstand drawer. I suddenly felt cold when his arms weren't around me.

"Mmm, morning Mr. Starkey!" I cooed, my voice still raspy from sleep.

I stretched my body dramatically and let a yawn escape before and turning over to snuggle his smooth, bare chest. He put his arm around me and we scanned the room service menu together. There were all sorts of treats and fancy meals, and I struggled to decide what to get.

"I think I want one of everything!" I joked.

"One of everything it is!" He replied, making me giggle.

I moved my head up to watch him read, admiring his neon puppy dog eyes. I loved seeing him loosen up and relax, and that's exactly what he was doing on this trip. He hadn't even bothered shaving, and the bit of scruff on his face was making him look extra irresistible.

"By the way you're staring, I think you'd rather skip breakfast and head straight to dessert!" He quipped, giving me a soft kiss on my forehead.

I giggled at the tickling sensation of his rough face grazing against mine. He pulled me in for a bear hug and got up to walk towards the marble countertops in the kitchen that held the phone. I heard him dial, then order our food.

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