returning home and a certain change.

Începe de la început

(Y/N): So what can you do my blonde angel friend?

Panty: I can show you a good time.

You looked at her for a Moment.

(Y/N): Ha! No.

Panty: Your loss

Babs: what's with the smile?

Jessica: yeah I like smiles as much as the next lantern but that...that is not a friendly smile.

Karen: Yeah, it's kinda creepy.

Diana: it is rather unnerving

Zee: It's a little weird.

(Y/N): there is nothing weird of smiling my magician hero. After all your complete without.

Babs: so I gotta ask if you know Harleen, Pam, Lesile, Doris, carol, and seline are villians how come your not aresting them

(Y/N): well it wouldn't be fair to arrest them for a crime they didn't commit now is it?

Diana: he does make a good point

Keith: How do you know about leslie?

Hal: Why are you asking?

Keith: *blushes* No Reason.

Karen: so you think those Villians would become heros someday?

(Y/N): Of course not. That’s wacky nonsense! Redemption, oh the non-existent humanity! Nononono, I don’t think there’s anything left that could save such loathsome sinners!The chance given was the life
they lived before; the punishment will be harsher and swifter!There is no undoing what is done!

Babs: So then, why do you want to help us if you don’t believe they can Change.

(Y/N):Consider it an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself! I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment! Only to repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure.

Jessica: rrrrritght

Rad: So your doing this because you see it as fun?

K.O.: Does fighting Robots made by lord boxman qualify as entertainment?

(Y/N): The purest my dear boy! After all the world is a stage and the stage is your entertainment. Well mostly entertainment

Hal: What can this guy do?

Zee: I've seen what he can do and believe me it is not pretty.

Then you snapped your fingers as fire appears you all were now in Kara's room and A body came out from it as you picked it up and revealing it was Niffty.

Hal: what is that?

Zee: not what. Who?

(Y/N): this little darling is niffty

Niffty: hi I'm niffty *while her eye is moving* it's been awhile since I made new Friends. *While lifting Diana*
Why are you all women? Have any men here?!I’m sorry, that’s rude. *Sees Kara's room* Oh man, this place is filthy!It really needs a lady’s touch, which is weird, because you’re all ladies, no offense.Oh my gosh, this is awful! *Cleans kars's room No, no, no, [giggles slightly] no, no--  *sees a spider and stabs it with a pin* [gasp] Nope.

Then the others turned to see Husk.

Husk: Ha! Read'em and weep boys full- Woooh *sees Kara's room* what? What the heck is this? *Sees you* you!

(Y/N): ah Husker my dear boy how have you been?

Husk: Don't you Husker me you son of a gun i was about To win the whole dang pot!

Alien Hero of Metropolis.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum