Chapter 86:"Miggy is gay."

Start from the beginning

"Why is that?"

"My little brother finally helped me out for once in my love life." His smile grows wider, making me cringe.

-What the fuck?...-

I try my best not to vomit in front of him. "Okay. First of all, don't call me 'little brother.' Secondly, I always help you out."

He looks sad at some point as he stands up. "Alright."

-What is wrong now?!-

I feel bad for some reasons and having him walk away slowly doesn't make it better. -I swear, he's doing this on purpose.-

I groan out loud and curse myself for being a fucking softie. "Thirdly, I'll help you out."

He immediately turns around with a childish look on his face. "Really?"

It hurts not being able to poke his eyes. "Yes. Yet, this will be your Christmas present and I don't owe you a single thing anymore."

-What? Did you really expect me to do it for no reason and be nice? Hell nah!-

Jeffrey just smiles and nods. "This is the best present ever." -Argh!-

"Shut the fuck up! You're cringey as fuck!" I lift my shoulders to my ears as I try to shake off this feeling.


I just arrived our mancave, to be more specific: our cabin.

The look on their faces, makes me uncomfortable as fuck. -I wonder, what the fuck happened? It looks like someone died.-

The Carter twins are silent for once and just nod at me as I take a sit between them. Miguel sighs and sits up right. While Niall, who looks normally unbothered, seems troubled now.

"What is up with you guys? You look like someone beated you up." I sarcastically say with a smirk.

They just stare at me and I feel stupid for joking around.

"Listen." Niall finally opens his mouth. "I don't want to ruin your mood, but there's something you need to know." -Why does this sound so scary?-

-I don't like this feeling at all...-
I gulp."That is?"

Tyler opens his mouth and seems serious. -Shit... he makes me nervous.-
"How should I say this?"

"Just tell him bro." Ryder comforts his twin.

"Well...." He gulps. I don't spot a muscle moving around his face. Normally, he'd have that smile on. -This shit is killing me right now...-

As we patiently wait for the red head to talk, I notice how nervous we all are. -It must be something serious.-

"Miggy is gay."


Ryder is the first to react as he laughs out loud.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Miguel stands up from his chair and chases the laughing clown. "YOU'RE SO DEAD, YOU FUCKING BITCH!"

"God..." Niall groans and shuts his eyes, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. Soon, he snaps out. "JUST FUCKING SIT DOWN ALREADY! FUCK! YOU DEADASS PISS ME OFF!"

-Wow, I didn't know it did that.-

Just like that everyone stays silent and goes back to being serious.

"What is going on?" I raise my eybrows. "I'm confused."

"Thanks to fucking Tyler!" Miguel adds. "Just forget the fucking things he said. I'm straight as fuck!"

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