Chapter 85:"Fank Yew!"

Start from the beginning



My squad and I are inside a restaurant. Right after the fight, Lance decided to celebrate our wins and for the fact that we impressed Isaac, the headmaster. He kept his promise and gave us, the winners, a double paycheck.

I'm not proud of what I am doing, but I am happy for the fact that even this amount of money can help my family.

"We. fucking. cool!" Kace says and the morons nod.

"I bet Isaac is going to hire me one day." Dash proudly grins.

"Yeah. As his personal side hoe." Sam randomly blurts out, making us laugh. -What is wrong with these guys?-

"Cause I'm damn hot!-" Dash gives in and poses. I blur their conversation out, since they're being perverted again. I look over to my cousin, who's silently minding his own business by stuffing himself with food. -I swear, he loves eating so much. I think this is the reason why he's still single.-

"Pass me the bottle, Lance." Kim points at the ketchup bottle beside him. My cousin hands it over. "Fank Yew!"

-What the fuck!?-

"What the hell?" Lance and I squint our eyes together.

Kim just shrugs his shoulders unbothered and smiles. "What? I tried to sound british for once."

-Seriously? As a half british man, I refuse to ignore this. I have my pride too.-

"British? Where bruh?" Lance laughs.

"The only british thing I see is, Frederick Rufus-" Kace gets cut off by the childman.

"Shut up!"

"I think, I sounded pretty british." Kim amusingly says as he spreads ketchup on his burger.

"I don't talk like that!" Lance barks, making us laugh. -No, he has a really thick accent. He sounds way worse than that.-

"You're a bad layah." Sam joins the convo, making the others smirk. Crystal sends him a glare and he innocently smiles at her.

"Woat did u say?" Kace amusingly smiles.

"Kace!" Blair warns him, since she's the most understanding person.

Sam continues. "I said-"

"Wotah." Dash spontaneously says, making these idiots laugh. "Woat? That's the only thing I can say, in british."

Lance growls. "Oh my gawd!" -I honestly feel his pain. As a half british, I feel attacked... Do we really sound like this? -

"Why are you crying, bruh?" Dash looks at Lance, who has literally slammed his head on the table.

"Cries in british." Kim adds, making them laugh again. "I had to insert that." -How mean.-

"Fucking twats!" The childman growls and stuffs himself with a taco.

The idiots stop roasting him and continue eating. Everything seemed normal again, until the guy beside me had to open his damn mouth.

"I love chipotle... chipotle is my life." Sam quietly whispers, as Dash takes a bite.

The latino man grunts, making the squad laugh again.

-I swear, what is happening? They look intimidating as fuck and even beat people up, but actually have the mindset of a 5 year old kid.-

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