"Tell him I say hi for me, okay?"

He nodded again. She smiled and left him there. She doesn't has time for him these days because her busy schedule. She has to trained the demon hunters today and go meet Kiriya later after sunset. 


"Finally!" She said after arriving at the grave of her best friend. Her plan is visiting the graves of all her friends that have died. She met a lot of people in the way to get here, and most of them died because they were involved with her. "It's been a long time, Kenji."

She sat down on his grave that she made years ago without any body or ash. Just a gravestone in the middle of the woods on the mountain. "Sorry that I can't protect Miruka. I... I tried to stay away from her, but those demons still targeting her. I failed to protect you and her, I am sorry I'm not a reliable friend," she chuckled sadly.

"You know, the battle with Muzan is coming and... I promised you now that I will make sure he died there. I will gave my life to fulfill this promise, don't worry okay?" She prayed for him before moving to the next place.

She arrived at Miruka's grave that was made by the Kakushis. "Hey Miruka, how are you? Well, I know you're dead, but just some courtesy you know?"

She sat down there and talk by herself, as if her friend is there, listening to her story. She said the same promise that he said at Kenji's grave and others to Miruka. She stand up after that and heading to the next one. The next one will be the special one because he doesn't have graves, but his memory reside in one place.

She went to Urokodaki's house and knocked his door. No respond. 'Maybe he is not home? Well, I will be in my way then. Excuse me Urokodaki-san, I'm going to the boulder.'

She make a way to the training ground. She arrived at the cutted boulder and touched it. 'It's been a long time,' she smiled. "Hello Sabito, sorry that I didn't visit you often. I've been busy, but here I am now."

She rested her forehead on the boulder and sighed. "I don't know what to say, so give me a second." She think hard about what to say. Nothing came up to her mind, so she gave up there, sighing in disappointment at herself.

"I hope that you are here right now," she muttered.

"I have been standing here for five minutes now, while you there kissing the boulder with your face and not looking here for a second."

She turned around immediately, looking at the pink haired boy with a familiar kimono pattern and white haori. "Sabito?"

"How have you been, Hanabi?" He smiled at her. 

She run to him, hugging him tightly. Tears are streaming down from her face. She doesn't care about anything anymore as she let out all her emotion, venting all her pent up frustration and her distress.

"Are you really him? Are you really Sabito?" She asked while still hugging him tightly, still not believing his sudden appearance.

Sabito hugged her back, patting her back in a comforting way. "Yes, I'm here." His voice sounds like a symphony in her ears. She missed her childhood friend so much that seeing him in person can make her cry in an instant. She know very well that what's in front of her is Sabito's spirit, but she never thought to ever encountering with him anymore.

"How are you, Hanabi? I see that you and Giyuu became a Pillar now. I am so proud of you two," he said while patting her head.

She can't hold it anymore. She never expect this to happened. And now that it's happening, she felt like she is back to an eleven years old again, having Sabito still alive and playinh with him with Giyuu under Urokodaki-san's watch. She cry on his white haori like an eleven years old.

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