The bandage going around his back

"How did you get hurt?" I asked when I came back from taking the kit back

"One of my tires had a problem when I was coming back, I stopped the car to get a spare tire from the trunk then some crazy guy attacked me and he scratched me with a knife" he said

"That was a knife?!" I asked

"What did you think it was?" He asked

"Anything but a knife" I said

He chuckled

"Allah ya qara tsareh wa" I whispered (May God contunie to protect)

"It's almost to 3, sleep" he said


"Why?" He asked

"You aren't asleep yet" I said

"Since when did you become my security woman" he said

"Since today"

He smiled a little "get me another shirt then"

I smiled before I took the other shirt that was stained to put it in the laundry

I dropped it in the laundry before I went into his closet and I picked a soft black v neck shirt

I gave it to him and he put it on

I went back on the bed

"Hameeda" he called


"I'll think about it" he said

It took me some time to realize what he was saying, when I did I literally almost jumped on him

"Really?!" I asked

I literally couldn't believe this

He's agreeing to me?

He's considered letting Aliya go to school?

He nodded

I grinned before i moved closer to him and I hugged him "Thank you!"

When I pulled away he spoke "don't get your hopes up, I said I would think about it"

I laughed "trust me, it's wayyyy better than a No"


I woke up the next day in the morning and I realized I was going back to school today and I had lectures at 8 am

I showered in my room and I got dressed into a simple black abaya

When I picked up my bag and books I went to Umar's room to see him still sleeping

I walked towards his side of the bed and I leaned down a little

"Umar" i whispered


His eyes slowly fluttered open

Damn, he's so captivating

"I'm going to school" I said

He sat up and he looked at me with lazy eyes "do you want me to drop you off?" He asked

I shook my head "no, I'll just take my car"

He nodded

I smiled at him before I left the room

I saw Angela in the kitchen and I wondered if she stays here

I told my self I would ask her later and I left the house

I had my key with me, the car Umar bought me

This was the first time I was driving it and I knew if I scratched it or something I was going to feel so guilty because I know it's so freaking expensive

I Entered it with a bismillah

I started the engine and I drove out of the house

After some minutes driving I finally reached school

I parked the car next to where Rabi'ah usually parks hers

I waited for her for a few minutes before her car came in and she kept it in her usual space

I turned of the Ac and the radio and I turned off the engine I took my bag and books from the passenger's seat and I came out of the car and I locked it

"Finally, Welcome back" She said as she opened her door

She came out and she gaped at me "I'm just seeing the beauty of this car now, and of course the beauty of the person inside it"

I rolled my eyes at her before I engulfed her in a hug "ya kike?"

"Lafiya fa, how is your back, ki yi hakuri I didn't come to see you, mama literally didn't let me go out yesterday, apparently the house had to go under 'sanitation' and no one was aloud to go out" she said as she rolled her eyes (I'm sorry)

I laughed at her as we walked out of the parking lot



How are you all doing?

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Love, M😁

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