She's coming part 2

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I basically screamed at him. I was having a really bad contraction and I was very panicky.

Jace: What do you mean you can't move? We have to get you to the hospital right now!

Y/N: I'm having a really bad contraction please hold on.

I say as I'm using my breathing technique.

Jace: Okay baby, right when you feel the pain fading away you let me know so we can go to the car quickly.

Y/N: Gotcha. I say in between breathes.

My contractions last about 3-4 minutes in between which is not a lot of time in my opinion but for some odd reason I was very very calm. I really don't know why but its a good thing.

The contraction now finally stopped.

Y/N: It stopped Jace.

Jace: Good now come with me babygirl.

He reaches out for my hand and guides me towards him. We exit the room and quickly rush down the stairs and out the front door, and into the car. Jace puts my things inside the car and we head off to the hospital.


So it's been a good aka bad 34 minutes till we finally arrived to the hospital. I've had about 6-8 contractions while we were in the car and boyy were they bad.

We're headed towards the entrance and honestly now that we're here, I'm even more scared than I was. My inner peace is now gone.

Y/N: Jace I'm hella scared I don't-

Jace: I know I know but you're literally in labor right now. We need to get you inside. We're not staying out here I hope you know that.

Y/N: Goshh fine hurry because my legs are shaking.

We finally enter the hospital where it's busy per usual. Then of course I feel a contraction. This one was so different and so bad I felt like honestly blacking out.


I scream as I'm holding and now squeezing his hand so hard I saw it turn red.

He immediately looks over at me and then starts yelling at the nurses.


There were nurses running around and I saw one nurse bring a wheelchair towards me. Once it arrives she tells me to sit down in it and she is followed by 2 other nurses. She's bringing me to a room where I could get settled. With all of this motion around me I'm still practicing my breathing which helps a lot.

Timeskip because honestly i have no idea what to write. Its 3:02 AM rn :/

About 40 minutes went by and I'm wearing a hospital gown and sitting on a bed hooked up to all of these machines and IV's. I was given an epidural and It helped so much. My contractions on a scale from one to ten I would say they are a 1 1/2. Thank God for epidural even though It didn't work for me last time when I was in labor.

I'm lying down down literally eating ice. Hospital ice is honestly the best ice ever I could eat it all day.

I look over at Jace and see he's on his phone.

Y/N: Jace?

Jace: Yes baby?

Y/N: I feel so good.

Jace: That's amazing to hear love.

Y/N: But I don't know how long this is going to take.

Jace: You're only 5 centimeters dilated, you're halfway there babygirl you can do this.

Y/N: I know. I say frowning a little bit. But I'm literally so tired.

Jace: You can sleep you know? The nurses said that you can if you want. You shouldn't feel any pain while you do.

Y/N: I probably will and I think you should too. It will be great for both of us.

Jace: If you insist. I'm not going anywhere by the way.

Y/N: Thank you and honestly, I know that you're not.

I smiled at him and we shared a laugh.

I put my ice down and made myself a little more comfortable by lying down on my side.

I reached out for Jace's hand and he grabbed mine stroking it lightly and with that I slowly started drifting off into the sleeping abyss.

A/N: okay okay okay i'm SUPERRRR SORRY about not updating in God knows how long. I've been slacking sooooo badly and I apologize :( . But I'm very tired that's why this chapter is short but it's better than nothing eheh. I'll update this as soon as I get another chapter out from one of my other stories because I haven't updated those in a while as well. Forgive me pls hehe but go check my other ones out only if you want to. Thanks for reading! :)

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