When he invites his girl bestfriend over

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You were in the library reading one of your favorite books. Then suddenly Jace comes in the room.

Jace: Hey.
Y/N: Hi.
Jace: What are you doing?
Y/N: Oh nothing. Just reading. How about you?
Jace: Nice, but you know just walking round.
Y/N: Nice, hey umm Jace?
Jace: Yes baby?
Y/N: Why are you starting a casual conversation with me?
Jace: I don't know.
Y/N: Jaceeee.
Jace: Y/NNNNN.
Y/N: Come on Jace spill the beans, You play too much.
Jace: Finee.
Y/N: I'm waiting.
Jace: Well you see, I'm inviting one of my best friends over later.
Y/N: Oh okay. What's his name?
Jace: Yea about thattttt.
Y/N: What are you talking about?
Jace: It's a she.
Y/N: So?
Jace: So?
Y/N: What's the problem?
Jace: You're not mad?
Y/N: No why?
Jace: You do realize I said it's a she.
Y/N: Yea I know.
Jace: So you don't have a problem with it?
Y/N: Well I mean as long as you're not cheating on me and you're not her baby daddy then it's all good.
Jace: *Laughs* it's okay babygirl don't worry I'm not cheating on you and you will like her. Trust me.
Y/N: Okay good. When is she getting here?
Jace: Ehh in an hour-ish.
Y/N: Okay. What's her name?
Jace: Sienna.
Y/N: Oh nice name.
Jace: Yea.
Y/N: Yea, well I'm going to go get a snack.
Jace: Okay I'm going upstairs then.

You and Jace walked upstairs then went your separate ways.

You walk into the kitchen opening the fridge and getting whatever you felt like getting.
You closed the fridge only to be looking at the front door and seeing a figure of a person. This gave you a flashback of what happened last time.
You started to panic. Your breathing got heavier and heavier causing you to try and gasp for air. You wanted to call Jace but you were too afraid. You just went with your gut and called his name.

Y/N: *breathing heavily* Jace. Jace.. Jace... JACE? JACE????

You yelled as loud as you could.

Jaces POV

I was upstairs in my room watching the Henry Danger marathon and eating an apple.

Jace: Wow I look so ridiculous.

I laughed.

Suddenly, I hear my name being called but faintly. It was Y/N. Everytime my name was being called, her voice gets louder and louder. Something was wrong.
Jace: Y/N?
I jumped out of the bed, opened the door and ran down the stairs as fast as I could until I saw her standing there in shock.

No ones POV

Jace ran down the stairs as fast as he could to try to get to you.

Jace: Y/N?
Y/N: *Breathes heavily*
Jace: Babe what's wrong?
Y/N: *points to the door*

Jace looks at the door and sighs.

Jace: Baby calm down. It's okay. It's just Sienna. Did she scare you?

Your breathing starts to calm down and you're able to talk.

Y/N: Remember what happened last time? Someone tried to break in. That's my biggest fear of all Jace! I'm still pregnant not even for 2 months and this is unbelievable. I'm having so many bad things happen to me.
Jace: Yes, I do understand that but it's okay. Nobody is ever going to break in. And it's just my friend. Don't worry okay?
Y/N: Okay.
Jace: Alright.

Jace lifts you up and brings you onto the couch.

Jace: Okay Y/N sit tight I'm going to open the door.
Y/N: Okay.

Jace walks away from you and goes and opens the door.

Then Jace and Sienna walk into the living room where you are.

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