First words

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Timeskip to 6 months later.. yeah major whoopty doo!

This finna be short

Jace: What the hell are you looking for?
Y/N: Uhhh... nothing?

You were looking for a bracelet Jace gave you a month ago that had your name on it.

Jace: Uh no, it's something, what's up?
Y/N: Uhhh...

Jaces POV

I'm behind all of this. I gave her a bracelet with her name on it and she told me that she wasn't gonna take it off. So I trusted her. Then this morning when I went into the bathroom, I found the bracelet next to the sink! Hmmm! Why?! I have no idea. So, I waited for her to notice. In which she finally has, I'm gonna keep this jig up until I feel like it's the right time to give it back to her.

No ones POV

Jace: Hun, I'm waiting...

All of a sudden.. you start crying.

Y/N: Jaceee!
Jace: Why- why are you crying?
Y/N: I took the bracelet off this morning before I took a shower. Then- then I left it there on the sink. And when I- I came back to look for it, it was gone! I'm so sorry!

You ran up to him and wrapped your arms around him.

Jace: Awe baby come on, don't cry, I have it right here. I just wanted to see what you would do once you realized it was gone.
Y/N: I just didn't want to ruin its value. It means so much to me you don't understand.
Jace: It's alright, I forgive you.

He hugged you back and gave you the bracelet.

Y/N: I love you.
Jace: I love you too.
Y/N: What are we doing today?
Jace: I don't know to be honest.
Y/N: Can you believe that Henry and London are 7 months old now?
Jace: No I can't our babies are getting bigger.
Y/N: Shouldn't they be able to learn to talk by now?
Jace: To be honest, yes!
Y/N: I'm telling you right now imma do everything I can to make them to say 'mama' today! Eek!
Jace: Nahh I'm pretty sure they will say 'daddy' first.
Y/N: Alright then, you chose who you think will say what first.
Jace: Alright, my daughter will 100% say my name first.
Y/N: My son will 100% say my name first.
Jace: Alright! It's on!

You both ran upstairs to the nursery. Jace got London and you got Henry.

You ran out of the room with him in your arms and almost tripped.

Jace: Sweetheart, be careful!
Y/N: Thanks, I'm fine.

He smiled then you went into the second living room.

Y/N: Alright Henry, can you say mama for me?

He looked at you so confused.

Y/N: Mama say mama! It's not that hard.

He started whining a little.

Y/N: Please, it's not that hard.

He did nothing.
Y/N: Ugh!

Jaces POV

I went into the library and sat down with London. This had to work.

Jace: Alright baby, I need you to do me a favor and say daddy. Can you say that? Daddy?

She was playing with my sweater string.

Jace: London, please, can you say daddy for me? Your mom might win and I can't let that happen. Say daddy.

She squinted her eyes at me and babbled.

I sighed and had an idea. She likes her little snacks so I'm just gonna give her her favorite snack. I ran up the stairs with her and went into the kitchen and grabbed her favorite snack which was some kind of puff cereal thing and went back to the library. I was gonna bribe her with them.

Jace: Okay lil mama. You like your little snacks right?

She was staring at my eyes.

Jace: Alright I'm taking that as a yes. You want some?

I shook the container they were in which made her eyes get even wider than they were before. She tried reaching for them.

Jace: Okay okay, just say daddy and you will get all of these to yourself!
Say daddy!

She was too desperate for the puffs. Then started whining. Damn she gets all of this complaining from Y/N.

Jace: Baby just say daddy. You see? Daddy??

She was starting to cry.

Jace: Ughhhh! Fine you win for now.

I sighed and gave her the puffs. She devoured most of them. It didn't work. So I just gave up.

No ones POV

You tried everything with Henry and nothing worked.
He wouldn't say it.

You sighed and gave up. You got out of the room and entered the hallway only to find Jace there.

Jace held London and you held Henry. You and Jace gave each other the same look. Which was 😐. You both could tell that it didn't work out.

Y/N and Jace: Me too.

You both sighed and headed downstairs into the living room.

Hours later...

Its been about 12 hours later and you and Jace still haven't gotten Henry nor London to speak.

Y/N: You still give up?
Jace: Yeah you?
Y/N: Yeah, they'll talk when they're ready.

It was around 7 at night and it was dinner time.
You put the twins in their high chair and set their baby food on the platform of the chair.

You fed Henry and Jace did the same to London.

You looked over at London and saw that she was trying to drink from her sippy cup.

Jace gave it to her and he smiled.

She started drinking from it but few seconds later, she dropped it.
She pointed to the cup on the floor.

London: Daddy!

Your eyes went wide. She said it. Her first word was daddy. She did it.

It finally took Jace out of his depression stage.


He was absolutely speechless.
He couldn't believe it.


London: Daddy!!

She still pointed to the cup on the floor.

He started crying a little bit.

Jace picked up the cup from the floor and set it down.
He picked London up and spun her around and showered her face with kisses. She smiled and looked like she was a pancake.

He hugged her tightly too.

Jace: Baby you said it! SHE SAID IT!

You've never seen Jace so happy.

You turned around and accidentally dropped Henry's small fork on the floor.

Henry: MAMA!!

No. Fricking. Way. He said it. He actually said it. Mama.


You couldn't believe your ears. He said your name. Well for him. He said mama. You were overwhelmed with delight and joy. Today has been the best day ever.
You picked up the fork and set it down.

You also picked him up and spun him around and also showered his face with kisses. You also hugged him tightly. This was amazing.

You and Jace slowly started to cry happy tears. It was just amazing.

Jace: BEST...
Y/N: DAY...
Y/N and Jace: EVER!

You did a group hug and smiled to yourself. Your little chunkas did it. They said their first words.

Jace Norman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now