Meeting his cast part 1

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It was another usual just regular day. You were at home alone in the kitchen baking some cupcakes. You loved to bake. It was currently 2:34 PM and you put the cupcakes in the oven for them to bake.

You walked out of the kitchen and went into the living room. You missed Jace a lot cause he's always at work. You sighed and grabbed your phone then texted Jace.

Y/N: Hey Jace I miss you☹️

You sent the message and waited for him to respond. You locked your phone and turned on the tv only to be watching an episode of Henry Danger. "Dodging Danger". You always wondered what it felt like to go to work with Jace. You thought how cool all the sets would look like when they are not filming and how everything works. You really wanted to visit the set one day.

A couple minutes later, you got a text message from Jace.

Jace: Aww hey don't worry I'll be home soon💛

A quirky smile appeared on your face. You instantly replied back to him.

Y/N: Yay can't wait love you💕

You sent the message and locked your phone.

Timeskip cuz it's currently 11:49 PM and I have no idea what to write lol xD

Half an hour later Jace comes home.

Jace: Heyy I'm home.

You ran up to him and gave him a hug.

Y/N: Hi, I missed you so much.
Jace: Aww I missed you too. I'm here now it's okay.

You let go of him and went into the kitchen.

Y/N: So how was work babe?
Jace: It was really fun! I love being at work .

You looked down at your feet and it went silent. Jace noticed you and walked up to you.

Jace: Are you okay baby?
Y/N: Well I mean I'm okay it's just like I really wanna go to work with you one day. You know like I wanna meet your cast and crew members and it feels very lonely around here without you. I always wanna be with you.

Jace looked at you and pecked your lips.

Jace: Aw babe you could have just told me. I can bring you everyday if you want. Yet they don't know about you yet but I mean hey, your my girlfriend and I'll do anything for you. I'm sorry that you always feel so lonely here.

Y/N: It's okay Jace. I understand. I mean you have the lead role in a popular tv show and it's a lot to keep up with. I'm so happy I get to go with you tomorrow.
Jace: I'm happy your happy. Tomorrow we're going to finish up the third episode of season 4. I think in total there are 20 episodes but I'm sure we're gonna get through them pretty fast.

Y/N: Yay! Can't wait for them to air. This is going to be fun.
Jace: Yup. Season 4 is very interesting.

You both laughed.

Then Jace started sniffing the air.
You looked at him confused.

Jace: What's that smell?
Y/N: What are you talking about?
Jace: We're in the kitchen right?
Y/N: Oh no I thought we were in basement.

Jace gave you a cold glare.

Y/N: AHHH no no!  Jace not that look! I'm sorry, I'm sorry yes we're in the kitchen.

Jace laughed.
Jace: Ahaaa I love it when my babygirl get scared.

Y/N: Ahh Jace.
You laughed nudging his arm.

Jace: But no seriously what's that smell?
Y/N: Smell?
Y/N: Ohhhhhh I'm baking cupcakes!
Jace: *Gasps* My favorite ones with the crispy m&m's inside?!?!
Y/N: Well yes of course. I've been thinking about you all day I had to make your favorite cupcakes.
You walked over to the oven and opened it and looked inside.

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