When he goes live with you

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You were on the third floor walking back and forth dying of boredom. You literally had nothing to do. Jace was somewhere in the house. You didn't even bother to look for him until you heard him calling your name.

Jace: Y/NNNNN?

You both yelled back going back and forth.
You laughed.

You left the hallway and went down the stairs to the second floor.

Y/N: So what's up-Ohhh.
You walk in the room and see him shirtless. He notices you and smirks.
Jace: Like what you see?
Y/N: Ehhhuh sure.
Jace: Come onn I know you do.
Y/N: Ahh Jace don't play hard to get.
Jace: But just admit it baby.
Y/N: Auaahg fine of course I do.
Jace: You can never fool me.

You laughed.
Jace: Come here.
Y/N: Whyyy?
Jace: Cause your my babyyyy.
Y/N: Sooooo?
Jace: Come here.

You refuse.

Jace: Alright. We can play this game.
*cracks knuckles*

Jace got up and started walking towards you.

Y/N: Jace... What are you doing?
Jace: Ummm nothing? *smirks*
Y/N: Ohhh it's something!

You run out of the room as fast as you could.

You run up to the next floor and hide in the closet. You then start gasping for air loudly. You just hoped Jace didn't hear you.

Then all of a sudden a shirtless Jace opens the closet door.

Y/N: Aaahhh!
Jace: You know sweetheart for trying to stay quiet while hiding, you're not very good at doing that.
Y/N: Oops?
Jace: Oops indeed.

He picks you up then brings you upstairs feeling your body on his warm chest.

Once you guys got upstairs he dropped you on the bed with him on top of you.

Y/N: Ow careful! With child here!

Jace talking to your stomach: Oh little baby I'm sorry I'll try to be careful next time. Your mommy is being very cynical.
Y/N: Jace! You should be saying sorry to me. I'm the one carrying our child. Aparently your daddy is out of his mind and can't think straight.
Jace: Oops I mean I'm sorry babygirl I'll try to be careful next time.

Y/N: That's more like it. *laughs*
Jace: I love you.
Y/N: I love you too.
Jace: Lies.
Y/N: Sure.

He gives you a death stare.
Y/N: Ahhhh! No! No! I'm just kidding please not that look.
Jace: Mhmm okay.

He reaches down and kisses you with passion for twenty seconds. Then you both sit up.

Y/N: So what's up?
Jace: I don't know I'm bored.
Y/N: So am I.

You both thought for a moment. Until Jace gasped.

Y/N: What?
Jace: I have an idea.
Y/N: What is it?
Jace: I can go live on Instagram.
Y/N: But people will see me.
Jace: So?
Y/N: They don't know about me yet.
Jace: So? I'll tell them.
Y/N: Are you sure about this?
Jace: Of course why wouldn't I be?
Y/N: I don't know I mean there are a lot of people out there who give hate for no reason...
Jace: Hey I promise you its all going to be okay, don't listen to what other people say cause they are jealous.
Y/N: You're right Jace I don't care what they say. 
Jace: That's the spirit babe let's go.
Y/N: Okay.

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