She's coming part 1

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9:08 PM

I'm currently in the kitchen, fixing myself a little snack, also known as some caramel popcorn and chocolate. Now I don't think that's a bad combination, it's delicious. I'm not saying that because I'm pregnant, it's because it's true. People probably eat it on a daily basis.

Anyway, after I'm done with that, I walk into the living room and sit myself down gently on the couch and place my bowl on my lap and happily watch the movie, Lemonade Mouth. It's an underrated movie in my opinion.

A few minutes later, Jace comes into the living room after putting Henry and London down to sleep. He plops down on the couch and wraps his arm around me and kisses my cheek.

Jace: You okay?

Y/N: I'm fine. I'm in a good mood.

Jace: Well let's hope it stays like that.

He snickers a little bit and I hit his arm.

Y/N: Heyyyy!

Jace: Ow, I'm sorry babygirl.

Y/N: Oh come on, that didn't even hurt.

Jace: It actually did.

Y/N: Okay, but don't worry, my mood will stay like this. *Smiles*

Jace: Okay I believe you.

He buries his face into my neck and starts laughing. I could literally feel his breath on my neck and it felt so weird since he kept laughing.

Y/N: Oh myyyy what are you doing?

I start laughing a little and put my hand on his hair.

He sighs and looks at me.

Jace: Nothing baby.

Y/N: Alright then stop laughing like a maniac.

Jace: Okay.

He sighs again and puts his hand on my large and round belly.

Jace: You're due soon.

Y/N: Yeah, just 2 more weeks.

Jace: I want her out now.

Y/N: Uh, I can wait just a little bit.

He laughs and moves some of my hair out of my face.

Jace: Three kids? That's crazy for our age.

Y/N: I know, but the thing is that we can do it. Sure it might be tough at times but I know we can do it.

Jace: You're right. The positive side of you is really coming out.

Y/N: Jace you know I like to stay positive.

Jace: True true.

I took some popcorn and munched on it while watching the movie.

Jace: This movie is so underrated, it's so good.

Y/N: That's exaclty what I said!!

Jace: You know what they say, great minds think alike.

Y/N: True, True.

I started to feel my eyes get heavier and heavier as me and Jace were conversating. My words kept slurring and I was basically pretending to listen to what he was saying to me. He wasn't boring me or anything, I was just so tired.

Jace: ...and then everyone came and they- wait, Y/N?

Y/N: Hmmm?

Jace: You're sleeping babe.

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