Dating someone famous part 2

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It was the end of the day. Before you could go to your locker you had to put away your Mac Book Pro the school district provides you. They give you an option to take it home or keep it at school. If you bring it home it costs $10 for 2 months. You decided to bring it home with you and you payed the tech teacher $10. While you were giving the tech teacher $10, the bell rang. You had to wait 10 minutes for the doors to actually open to leave.

Y/N: Finally my gosh!
You said as you rushed down from the third floor to the second floor where your locker was. You walked infront of your locker and set your stuff down on the floor. You grabbed your combination lock and started to unlock your locker. You opened your locker and picked up your stuff and put them inside. The second floor was really big yet crowded by other students. You grabbed your backpack but then you dropped it when someone walked up right next to you. The most popular boy in school. Brian.

Brian: Hey baby, you single?

You honestly hated him. He's always bothering you when you are at your locker. You're even late to your classes because of him.

Y/N: Um no I'm not single thank you very much, leave me alone.
Brian: Sure looks like it to me. I don't see your boyfriend anywhere. How old is he?

Y/N: I don't know where he is and he's 17 so back off.
Brian: Woww 17 and you're what 16,
Y/N: Yea why?
Brian: Come on babe, he doesn't need to know. He's not here.
Y/N: Brian just leave me alone and go bother some other girl okay?!

You retorted back at him. You grabbed your backpack and your Mac Book and shut your locker.

You started to walk away as fast as you can but eventually Brian caught up to you and he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. There were still lots of kids in the building but nobody saw you two.

Brian: Be mine please? He doesn't have to know.

At this time he was really pushing your buttons. So you just went for it and did what you did. You yelled. You were a very loud yeller. If you yelled, the whole school would be dead silent and everyone would be able to hear you.


You actually felt very good that you yelled that loud and maybe he might be able to hear you. But things did not go so well. Brian lifted you up and brung you to the floor.
Brian: Stay quite or I swear I will make sure you never see Jace again!

Jaces POV

I was upstairs in the third floor taking lots of pictures and signing autographs with fans. I had a really fun time. The hallway was packed. I'm happy I get an opportunity to do these kinds of things with people. It just makes me feel gooood about myself. (see what I did there huh huh huh?!?! Ok I'll stop now xD)
I was finishing up the last autograph when I heard yelling. Sounded like it was coming from the second floor.
Literally the whole hallway went silent. I recognized the voice. I knew who it was. Y/N. I gave the last kid a high five then told him that I had to go. I ran down two flights of stairs and on to the second floor. When I got to the second floor, the hallway was crowded with people. But yet it was still silent. I saw that Y/N was being bothered by the kid Brian she was talking about. I had a plan. I went up the third floor then ran down the hallway and went down the stairs at the end of it. I had to save my babygirl. Until that, I started my plan.

No ones POV

Brian held Y/N down hostage as she was trying to move. She couldn't get out of his grasp. She tried so hard but just couldn't move.
Y/N: Please just let me go! I want to see Jace!!
Brian: Well you aren't gonna see him anymore. You're mine now!
Jace: Are you sure about that?
Y/N: JACE! You yelled in excitement.
Brian: Look at who we have here. It's your little petty boyfriend.
Jace: Dude just leave her alone!
Brian: Or else what?
Jace: This! *whistles*

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