Going back to school

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Y/N: Noooo!
Jace: What?
Y/N: I don't want to go back to school tomorrow!!
Jace: But you have no choice.
Y/N: Yes I do and I'm not going!
Jace: Why not?
Y/N: I mean it's pretty obvious..
Jace: I've got no clue.
Y/N: You scary man you should know!
Jace: Why'd you call me scary? I'm not scary.
Y/N: I don't know Jace I'm just frustrated.
Jace: Well, tell me! Why don't you wanna go tomorr-ohhhhh.
Y/N: Yeahhhhh, now you get why I don't wanna go?
Jace: Yeah, but listen baby, they're gonna be just fine.
Y/N: NO THEY'RE NOT! Nobody will be home to watch them, and and and what if they start crying because somethings wrong huh?!?! I WON'T BE THERE FOR THEM JACE!
Jace: Ella, Riele and Jade will be here to watch them, everything is going to be fine.
Y/N: BUT I'M THEIR MOTHER JACE! I can't leave them, yeah I trust them but, *voice breaking* They're newborns and they're so young and I can't leave them! If something happens then I will be the one to feel responsible for it Jace!
Jace: Hey hey don't cry, Y/N do you trust me with the words I say?
Y/N: Yeah well I mean sure, why?
Jace: Then trust me, Henry and London are going to be fine with them.
Y/N: Wait why can't you stay home with them?
Jace: Apparently, I got a new job at your school.
Y/N: What the heck? Really, what's your job?
Jace: That person who walks around the school making sure everything is okay.
Y/N: Wow okay cool.
Jace: Yeah but it's only on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's.
Y/N: Wow cool, works for me, you better be in all of my classes.
Jace: Don't worry babygirl I will be.
Y/N: *Laughs* Good.

Somewhere in the middle of the night...

I ran all of the way home from school. I felt as if something wasn't right. Yeah that's right. I just walked out of the doors and then started running home. I had a feeling that something happened to Henry and London. Jace saw me running so he ran after me probably thinking that I was crazy, but I know I wasn't crazy. I finally reached the the front door of the mansion and fiddled with the keys. Finally, the door unlocked. I threw it wide open and didn't hear a thing. I started to panic. I thought Riele, Ella and Jade were here? I remember seeing them here! I looked in the crib that they're supposed to be in but nothing was inside. I then frantically searched the whole entire mansion, every inch of it, and yet I couldn't find them. I made my way back to the main floor then dropped myself upon the floor. I started crying. I looked up the back door and saw a mysterious figure holding both Henry and London, but then, that mysterious figure took off. I gasped and started to freak out. There was nothing I could do except yell Jaces name.


In reality...

Y/N: JACE?! *Gasps uncontrollably*

You yelled out Jaces name like there was no tomorrow, still in your dream state, but then he immediately woke up.

Jace: Y/N?! Wake up!

He kept shaking you but you wouldn't wake up as you were trying to escape that dream.

Jace: Y/N?!?!

He gave you one last shake and then you woke up all sweaty and crying.

Jace: What happened, are you okay?!
Y/N: No I'm not okay! My dream!
Jace: What dream?

You told him what happened in your dream then you started to freak out.

Y/N: Ohmygosh this is going to happen!! Jace I don't wanna go to school, they're gonna go missing and-
Jace: Hey hey hey! Stop it and calm down. Listen to me, nothing is going to happen, I told you Jade, Ella and Riele are going to be here. So you have nothing to worry about.
Y/N: But dreams can predict the future and-
Jace: Nope, not this one.
Y/N: But they went missing in my dream!
Jace: They won't be missing in reality.
Y/N: *Sigh* Are you sure everything will be okay?
Jace: I'm positive, now go to sleep it's like 4:48.
Y/N: Fine.

Jace Norman ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon