The corner of Jin's lips turned up into something of a smirk as he lifted his head away from me. My skin felt cold in the absence of his. "Enough."

I rolled my eyes. Jin loved his elusive answers. I started to ask specifically how many when my stomach rumbled so loud, I thought it was thunder for a minute. Jin turned around and looked at me with comically large eyes and parted lips. I couldn't help myself from laughing at his ridiculous face.

"I take it you're hungry," he asked as he fought back a smile.

"Sounds like it. I mean, it's been a couple days since I ate."

"Well, lucky for you," Jin started as he pushed himself up off the floor, "I was just about to cook something." Once he stood, he turned and reached out a hand to me. "Want to help?"

I nodded with a smile even as I pulled my limp body up with a groan. Though I really didn't feel like helping, I knew moving around would be good for me after spending so long in bed. He pulled, giving me a little help and then wrapped his hands around my waist while I caught my balance. I tried not to let his touch get to me, but it was impossible. Jin had always been attractive, but after seeing the way he blew through that fire and took out the driver chasing the other guys, I realized that I had seriously underestimated him. He was strong and commanding and devastatingly sexy. It wasn't just his looks, either. It was his quiet confidence and the way he kept the guys in line without having to constantly throw his masculinity around.

As I watched the muscles in his back flex as he moved, I realized that there was so much more to Jin than I'd originally given him credit for. So many men were masculine in an overt, macho, way, but Jin was masculine in a quiet way that could almost be mistaken for feminine if you didn't know him. I'd originally thought of him as something of a mother figure to the boys, but he was something so much more. He was a leader in a way that transcended gender stereotypes and it gave him a powerful aura that was impossible to ignore.

I leaned against the small rolling island in the middle of the kitchen and watched as he pulled out different ingredients. I had no idea what he was planning on doing with any of it and was kind of hoping he'd forget he'd asked me to help, but when he turned, lifted an expectant eyebrow at me, and nodded toward the stove, I knew that hope was shot to hell.

"I'm not doing this by myself," he quipped.

I sighed. "Well, you might not like what I end up doing. I've never cooked before. I don't know what to do."

"There's a first time for everything," he said, grabbing the front of my shirt and pulling me forward. Of course, it was then that I realized I wasn't in my ball gown anymore. Jin let me go and cleared his throat, apparently noticing the way I tensed up. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes. I pursed my lips together, but didn't say anything. There was no way he would have let me sleep for two days in my dress. It would be ridiculous to expect him to do that. And besides, I trusted that he didn't do anything inappropriate.

Without saying anything else, I took the knife out of Jin's hands and started chopping vegetables. He looked relieved as he moved back to the fridge and pulled out some kind of fish. My eyebrows scrunched together as I looked from the fish to Jin.

"Where did that come from?"

"Didn't you see the pond out back?" He motioned toward the back of the cabin with a tool he was using to removed the scales from the fish.

"Yeah, but I didn't realize you knew how to catch and prepare one."

Jin gave me an unimpressed look before shaking his head and returning his attention to the fish. "There's apparently a lot you don't know about me."

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