Chapter 42

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Alex's prov

"James?" I asked.
"ALEX!!!" He said really excited. He ran up to me and hugged.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"This can't be real. I-I thought you were dead." I said.
"Who even is this person??" Niall asked.
"This is James he was my boyfriend 2 years and we were on our first date when he got shot in the chest. I-I held him in my arms w-when h-he died." I said with tears stroling down my face. I hate thinking of what happened that night.
"And you remeber that I said 'I will find you no matter what'." He said.
"But you were dead. I had lost you and I knew it." I said.
"Yeah I know but some how the doctor was able to bring me back. I tried to go to your house but your parents said you were at a friends house every time. Until the last few weeks when they said you were missing. I saw you walking with pretty boy over here and I found his phone number." He said
"So why did you say I was lieing about loving Alex??" Niall asked.
"Because if you actually loved her you wouldn't have almoat gotten her killed." James said.
"I DIDN'T DO THAT YOU A**HOLE!!!!!!!" Niall yelled. I saw his eyes turn pure black and Jame's veins were also pure black. Wtf I really hope that it's just an anger problem of his.
"Guys calm down." I said.
"No until this b*tch decides to tell the truth." James said. 
"I AM!!!!!" Niall yelled and push James againts a wall.
"NIALL CALM DOWN!" I yelled. He tried to push James farther into the wall. Wtf dosen't Niall know James is already against the wall. I felt my eyes change to red. Wait that makes no since I took the cure.
"Both of you calm down." I said and pushed Niall away from the wall. Ok so I still have the eye color and the stenght. Weird.
"I thought you took the cure." Niall said.
"I did. I swear I did." I said.
"Yeah the fangs are gone but that's it that I know of. Weird." Niall said.
"What the f**k are you guys talking about?" James asked.
"Nothing why don't you get out of here black veins." Niall said.
"That's just an anger problem I have." James said and left.
"So what are we going to do about this??" I asked
"I don't know. I could go and ask Simon." He said.
"Yeah sure fine but hurry back please before Louis startes asking me questions." I said. He nodded and ran off.

Niall's prov

I ran vampire speed to the bridge but I heard Simon talking so I stoped.
"Yeah he came around late last night asking for the cure." Simon said.
"So you think you did turn her??" Someone asked.
"Yeah I know I did and to make sure the plan worked I gave him a shot glass of grape jucie and you know what happens when a newborn drinks or eats human food." Simon said.
"Their fangs goes away for 12 hours and thats it. Well unless they smell blood." Someone said.
"Excactly." Simon said. That son of a b*tch. I ran back to the house.
"I told you already you were dreaming." Alex said.
"I guess I didn't make it back in time." I said.
"UGH he came down right after you left." Alex said.
"He lied Simon lied about the drink." I said. Louism looked at me confused.
"Look Louis you were talking in your sleep a lot of bullsh*t last night so what was that about??" I asked.
"It wasn't a dream Alex is a vampire." Louis said.
"Go tell that to Harry because I'm telling you, you were dreaming." I said.
"Whatever." Louis said. I thought he was going to leave the room but he didn't. I walked upstairs to grab something when I smelt blood coming from Zayn's room. I opened the door to see Zayn sucking some random girls blood.
"Zayn what were you thinking??" I asked.
"What?? This girl was bleeding to death so I thought it wouldn't be killing some perfectly healthy person." He said.
"Idiot Alex is down stairs tring yo convince Louis that he was just dreaming about Alex being a vampire.
"What about the cure??" He asked.
"It wasn't an actual cure. When ever a newborn drinks or eats human food their fangs goes away for 12 hours unless they smell blood." I said. I ran down the stairs to see Alex with her head between her knees on the floor  and Louis was asking her what was wrong. She smells the blood. She trying to stop the urge.
"Louis get out of here I know what to do." I said. Louis went upstairs to his room. Okay I lied I don't exactly know what to do.
"Alex it's okay Louis is gone." I said. She didn't move.
"Alex babe it's me Niall. It's okay now Louis is gone." I said. She looked up at me.
"Get me out of here." She said. I helped her up and we went outside. 
"Come on I got somethings to show you." I said. We ran vampire speed to the alley.
"Ok so I'm going to show you how I stay in control when I smell blood." I said.
"So what I do is since the smell is so amazing I just stop and think of something I hate. It could be anything. Personally I always think of was back when I was little everyday I would come home from the small school I was in back then with a black eye, swolled lip, and sometimes even a broken bone." I said.
"What is something that you hate??" I asked.
"Ummm that would probably have to be the person who killed my father which just happens to be the same person who killed James. Jackson Luflen that was his name. I have always said that I would find a way to kill him." She said. Man that's f**ked up. 2 people she cares about killed by the same person but wait if James I guess is still aive then there might be a chance that her dad is also.
"Okay so try that you next time you smell blood just think about Jackson Luflen." I said.
"Okay was there anything else you wanted to tell me?" She asked.
"No but there is somewhere I want to show you." I said. I grabbed her hand and we ran vampire speed to my family's old house in the country from when we moved to England.
"This is the house I lived in when I was 13. I moved out when I was 18 and we got the house we have now and then 2 years later we got turned." I said
"Do you know if anyone lives here??" She asked.
"This house has been force closed for 10 years now." I said.

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