Episode 15: Satisfied

Start from the beginning

New York wanted to believe she was truly happy. Her smile was genuine. Yet, their conversation from earlier kept popping up in his mind, nagging him, and ruining what was supposed to be a merry moment. He stared down at his glass of wine and proceeded to drink all of it in a single gulp. He didn't remember anything after that.


At the time, they said the wedding reception would be ready in an hour.

New York pulled out his pocket watch. Before he could read the time, he was interrupted by childish jabbering. He turned around and saw the heavily pregnant matriarch of the Schuyler family pull their stubborn five-year-old daughter to the foot of the stairs.

"But Mama! I wanna stay up longer!"

"Don't make this harder on me, young lady. Spare your mother and the guests from anymore screaming. It's time for you to get some shut-eye."

She crossed her arms and pouted. "No!"

"Cornelia..." Catherine Van Rensselaer groaned.

New York tucked his pocket watch away and went over to the mother and child. "No need to overexert yourself, Kitty." He went over and picked the little girl up over his shoulder.

"H-Hey!" Cornelia looked to her mother in protest.

She graciously smiled. "Thank you, young man."

"Promise me that'll be the last child you're popping out." He started to make his way up the stairs.

She simpered, "Be sure to tuck her into one of the spare beds. There'll be guests staying the night."

Cornelia moaned, "I have to sleep on the floor again."

"It's only for tonight, dear."

"Can they sleep on the floor instead? It's my bed!"

"Now, now. Don't be rude to your mother," he grumbled. "Weren't you taught any manners?"

She pursed her lips. "Are you staying over?"

He reached the second floor. "I am not."


He was slightly taken aback by the sassy child. "For that, you deserve to sleep on the floor." He placed his hand on the doorknob to the children's bedroom.

"Hey. Why is my sister crying?"

He froze. Having become distracted by his silly argument with the spoiled brat, he didn't notice the pitiful sobs of a wretched woman happening closeby. He turned to where Cornelia was looking.

At the front of the salon was a set of glass windows. Anyone interested could get a view of the front property and the entire cityscape of Albany. The windows also had a view of a balcony that appeared to be placed there for that exact purpose. But no, it was merely decoration, currently collecting snow on its platform. Though, it was still accessible via the window. But at this time of year, it wouldn't be wise to go out there in the freezing weather. Yet, it would appear someone didn't mind the cold.

The walls between the windows were blind spots, hiding the weeping woman from hundreds of eyes inside the mansion. Anyone with a keen eye, however, could see her shoulder poking out at the corner of the right window. New York couldn't see the woman's face, but he recognized the sleeve of that rosy amber gown. He was certain it was her.

He placed Cornelia down and opened the door to the bedroom. "I'll take care of your sister. You get to bed now."

She grumbled, "Fine. You better not hurt my sister, or I'll beat you up."

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