After turning on her heel, Annalys began to walk away alongside Edric, causing Robb to sigh in frustration. "Where are you going?" He questioned her, knowing by the look on her face that she was up to something.

"To find us some crops," She informed him, on the verge of leaving.

However, before she could do so, Jaime and Ser Davos entered the room, both of them looking saddened, especially Jaime. "What is it?" She asked, a concerned look on her face since she knew it took a lot to make her father sad, "What's happened?"

"Tommen..." Jaime trailed off, trying his hardest to remain strong as he stood before his eldest daughter, "The fever took him in the night."

Annalys quietly gasped, tears beginning to fill her eyes as she heard the news of her brother's death. "What?" She asked, her voice a mere whisper.

"He's gone, Annalys," Jaime informed Annalys quietly, noticing how heartbroken she looked, "Tommen is dead."

Annalys was on the verge of crying, only to notice that Ser Davos is about to say something. "What?" She snapped at him, trying her best to hold back her tears, "What could possibly be worse than the death of my brother?"

"The Winter Fever has reached the Iron Islands as well, Your Grace. Your mother has been infected," He informed Annalys, causing the girl to finally break down as she let out a loud, heartbroken cry.

She stared at Jaime, looking beyond distraught. He, too, looked to be on the verge of crying, knowing that within a few days, Cersei would be dead. With Tommen dead, Jaime in the Royal Queensguard, and Tyrion locked up in a cell, the male line of House Lannister was now gone.

Despite being heartbroken by all the death, Annalys felt even worse by the fact that she had failed her grandfather as well. Her children were Starks in name, not Lannisters. The Lannister name would now end with Myrcella and Annalys.

"I-I must go,"Annalys began to stammer, staggering toward the door, "I-I must...I must go see my mother."

"Annalys, no!" Robb shouted, rushing after his wife before grabbing her by the arm, "You can't leave the castle."

Roughly tugging her arm out of Robb's grip, Annalys whipped herself to face her husband. "My brother is dead, Robb! My mother will soon follow. I must get to her before it's too late." She shouted at him, tears streaming down her face, "No matter what she has done, she is still my mother. I cannot let her die alone in a place she despises more than anything."

Robb sighed in defeat, knowing there was no use in arguing against it. She'd simply do it anyway. "How do you expect to reach the Iron Islands in time?" He questioned her in a concerned tone, "You cannot travel alone on horseback across Westeros."

"I have Rhaegal," She informed him in a calm tone, much to Robb's shock, "I will ride him to the Iron Islands."

"He's in the dragonpits," Robb pointed out to Annalys, a deeply worried look on his face, "That is across the city. Many parts of King's Landing are filled with people suffering the fever. If you do this, you may catch the fever as well."

"I don't care," Annalys argued in a stern tone, her recklessness clearly getting the better of her, "My mother is dying, Robb. I have not seen her in five years. I will not leave her to die alone."

  As Annalys turned and began to run off, Robb followed after her until they reached the gates of the Red Keep. A horse was brought over to Annalys and before she climbed on, she turned to face Robb.

"Please don't fuck anything else up while I'm gone," Annalys pleaded in a soft tone, tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she looked up at her husband.

LION'S LEGACY | ROBB STARK [2]Where stories live. Discover now