"Sir, I'm reading forty contacts on the scanner."

The manager of the station come over to check the monitor his employee was looking at.

"I want a through scan of those contacts now." Hammond said.

The monitor then started a scan of the objects, a mixture of invaded and x-rays beamed out from the station toward the asteroids. They scanned every nook and cranny of it's rocky surface.

"Scans show it is made of 32% iron, 16% nickel and 42 percent silica. With other elements that match up with space debris." He stated to the Man behind him.

"Give me a hologram of the targets." He said.

The monitor turned to look at the manager, giving him a confused face. "But sir, their just rocks?"

Hammond looked back down to the monitor, his cold brown eyes stared at him. He had been there long enough to know that look meant "do it or your fired". The monitor gave an audible gulp and turned around to pull up a hardlight hologram of the asteroids.

The center console of the large control room lit up with a blue light as Hammond walked over to it. There was a dull hum as blue whispers of light flickered only life above the console. They slowly pulled together into the detailed shape of the group. He tapped on one of the objects and zoomed in on it. He tapped the zoomed in asteroid again and everything from mineral info to estimated weight was displayed. He examined it for a few moments before turning back to the monitor.

"Contact the weather station. Looks like we're getting a meteor shower." He said gruffly as he continued to examine the meteors.

Something about them just didn't feel right.

"Sir, four of the contacts are on a course to hit the station." The monitor said.

The hardlight hologram changed to four asteroids in a group approaching the station.

He took a sip from his coffee mug next to him.

"Roger that sir." Said the monitor as he gave permission for the stations multiple 'Dumb' AI to Target the asteroids.

On the Titanium A hull multiple 50mm cannons turned to the asteroids and opened fire.

The rounds soared through space at several times the speed of sound. When they reached the asteroids they disintegrated into dust.

Hammond looked at it through the heavy-duty windows of the command center with a grin on his face.

"That was so cool the way you dealt with that monster. You were like why, bam, pow." Amythest said as she and the rest of the gems walked out of the tall grass by their latest mission.

"I don't know about that, more like swish, slash, stab." Will said as he walked out of (for him) waist high grass with Steven on his shoulders.

"Yes Yes, and the way you circled around it. That almost looked like strategy." Pearl complimented.

Amyhtest rubbed the back of her head with a slight blush on her face. "Well....huh."

Steven brought amythest out of that traincrash of thought.

"Sorry I wasn't much help on the mission you guys, I think the flowers are messing with my allergy's." He said from Will's armored shoulders with a sniff.

"You realize that spacesuit I gave you acts as armor as well right." He told the boy.

Steven looked down at him with confusion. "Really?"

Quasar appeared on the Spartans shoulder and looked at Steven. "The fabric layers can stop up to a half dozen rifle rounds before puncturing. That can be increased with the addition of armor plates. Not to mention the helmet would negate your seasonal allergies." He said bluntly.

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