"A stable boy, Your Grace," Davos informed his king and queen, "He's already showing symptoms of coughing up blood and blood sweats. He'll be dead within a day, perhaps two."

Robb sighed in defeat, feeling saddened by the news of the boy's death. Annalys looked content, however, despite pitying the boy. She knew already there would be casualties, she also knew she couldn't let herself become affected by each of the deaths either. It wasn't her fault, she had no reason to feel guilty by it.

"Thank you for informing us, Ser Davos," She managed to speak up, nodding her head slightly, "You both may go now."

Ser Davos and Qyburn bowed to their queen, just before turning on their heel and leaving the throne room.


   Not too long later, when nightfall arrived, another man entered the Great Hall, one that happened to be Lord Glendon Redwyne, the man who had spoken to them earlier that day.

Annalys' Queensguard lined up the Great Hall and allowed the man through, knowing the king and queen were presumably not at risk due to lit braziers that blocked the man's path to them.

The man smiled at the sight of his king and queen, bowing to them. "Your Graces," He greeted them before standing back up.

"Lord Redwyne, how may I help you?" Robb spoke up, raising a brow at the man.

"Many nobles in this castle have secured themselves in their chambers," He informed them in a calm tone, "Others reside elsewhere in the Keep, drinking as a way to distract themselves from the fact that death is nearly upon us. Tell me, My Queen, My King, do you many have already died so far?"

"Fifteen," Robb spoke up before Annalys had the chance to.

"Fifteen, on only the first day of outbreak," Lord Glendon responded in a calm tone, "How many will be dead when we wake tomorrow? Tell me, Your Grace, do we count the lower class as well?"

Robb's mouth gaped open, frowning at the man in confusion. He turned to look at Annalys, who simply smiled in response to his attitude. "We count every life loss, my lord," She politely replied, which concerned Robb since she was letting him speak to her in such a way.

"What is it that you want from us?" Robb spoke up, causing Lord Glendon to look away from Annalys to turn to his king.

"To add another to the pile," He suddenly admitted and Robb immediately looked shocked while Annalys looked content, as if she wasn't surprised by his response.

"I beg your pardon?" Robb questioned, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"My apologies for being so blunt and sudden about it, but while my enemy is accessible, I must strike," He explained to his king and queen.

"I don't understand," Robb replied when Annalys did not.

"There was someone I thought to be untouchable. I'd like him to die of the Fever," He informed them in a calm tone, "I would like for him to be placed in one of the mass holding cells. He'll be infected within no time and no one will heed his cries. He will die and I will not be blamed for it."

"You dare come here and request we murder your enemy?!" Robb exclaimed, staring at Lord Redwyne in disbelief.

He turned to Annalys, who seemed calm about the whole ordeal. From what he could tell, she was in deep thought, and a part of Robb feared she was actually thinking about agreeing to the man's terms.

"If it were a request, I wouldn't be so blunt about it," Lord Glendon retorted with an attitude, "It's more of a demand. One I have no doubt you will grant."

LION'S LEGACY | ROBB STARK [2]Where stories live. Discover now