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Veronica's POV

"Hey." Toni said walking into my room. "Hey." I said quietly. I was just laying in my bed, thinking all day. We found out this morning at around ten. It's now three and I've just been laying in bed. Doing nothing. "How are you feeling?" She asked. I sighed and sat up. "Oh, I don't know. Scared, sad, nervous. Anything that's not exactly good." I told her. She laughed and sat on the end of the bed. "Cheryl's here now. Do you want to tell her or should I?" I looked at her. "Can you do it? I don't want to do it, not right now." She nodded. "Do you want me to do it now or later?" "Now, please. Just get it done and over with." She nodded and got upto leave. Then, she left shutting the door. I sighed.

A few minutes later my door came crashing open with Cheryl yelling. "You're what?!" She asked walking over to the bed. I just looked at her. "Toni says your pregnant. Are you?" I sighed. "Yes." I said quietly. "Yes, I am and if you're dissapointed in me I'm sorry." She looks at me for a second then laughs a little. "Why would I be disappointed in you?" She asks. I shrugged. "I don't know, maybe it's because I'm seventeen." I said. "And that it's Jughead's." I told her. "Wait what?" She asked. I looked at Toni. "You didn't tell her?" I asked. "All she heard was Veronica's pregnant then ran off up here." She said. I sighed. "Yes, at your party a month ago I got really drunk and woke up in Juggie's bed the next morning." Toni snickered. I looked at her. "What are you laughing at?" I asked. "Nothing?" She said. "No, what is it?" I asked. "She's laughing because you called him 'Juggie'." Cheryl said. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, I didn't mean to do that." I said. "You still love him." I sighed. "Can we not talk about the guy who hurt me? Please?!" I almost yelled. "Okay." Toni said and got on the bed and sat on the other side of me. I rested my head on her shoulder. "Have you told Sweet Pea?" Cheryl asked. "Does it look like I've told him? I should probably tell him today though." I said. "Are you ready for that?" Toni asks. I shrugged. "I don't know, but I should tell him sooner rather than later." I said. "Can we just go to Pop's? So I can get my mind off of all of this." "Absolutely." Toni said. And when went to Pop's.

Three milkshakes later (an hour later). "Girls, I think I want to tell Sweet Pea." I said. "Now?" Toni asks. I nodded. "Yes! It's better I tell him sooner than later. Besides, he'd understand. I hope." I muttered the words I hope. "Alright." Cheryl said. "We can go to the other side of the dinner if you'd like." Toni said. "Yeah, just don't go to far." I said. They both nodded. "We won't." Toni said and I texted Sweet Pea.


V: Hey can you come to Pop's? I have something I need to tell you.

S: Sure, but why so fast? 

V: Just come here please.

S: See you in a few minutes, love.

I looked up at Cheryl and Toni across Pop's choclit shoppe. I nodded and they looked at each other.

About five minutes later the Pop's bell chimed and Sweet Pea was walking in. I sighed as he started walking over to me. He sat right across from me. "So what'd you need to talk to me about?" He asked. "I need to tell you something and I don't want you to get mad, okay?" I said nervously. He put his hands on mine, as mine were on the table. "I wouldn't be mad about anything." I'm not so sure. I sighed nervously. "Well, you know Cheryl's party about a month ago?" He nodded. "Yeah, but I didn't go. I was with Fangs and a few other Serpents." He said. "I know. But I got really drunk." He chuckled. "What'd you do? Slowly start to strip naked in front of everybody." I laughed a little then stopped. "Uhh, no. But I got drunk and ended up on... the Southside." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay?" I sighed and felt tears enter my eyes. "I got drunk, Sweets. This was before we even got together, but I still feel horrible about it." I said and pulled my hands away from his and covered my eyes with them. He gently grabbed wrists and pulled them away from my eyes. "What happened?" He asked letting go of them. "I slept with Jughead and now... I'm pregnant... with he's baby." I told him. He face went from worried to a blank expression. "Your pregnant with his child?" I nodded. "Are you keeping it?" "I haven't had much time to think about it, but yes. Yes, I am." I told him. "Does he know?"  He asked. "Not yet?" I said. "Good. He doesn't have to. We can raise it as my own." "What? No?! I'm not gonna lie to my child. I'm not gonna let it believe that your it's father when your not." I defended. "Then we can't be together." "What?" I asked. He stood up and so did I. "We can't be together if your keeping another dudes child." He said. "Sweets--" "don't call me that!" He said drawing attention to us. I looked over and Cheryl and Toni who had stood up. I shook my head slight hoping they saw it. They stopped moving. I quickly looked back at him. "We're over." He said. I nodded. "Fine! Like I care." He walked away and left. I sat back down in the booth. Both Toni and Cheryl came over and bent down in front of me. Toni hugged me. "Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded. "I don't know." I said. "Do you still want to tell Jughead?" She asked. I nodded. "Yes, just not today." I said. "Hey, let's go home." Cheryl said. I nodded. "Please."

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