Serpent Dance

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Jughead's POV

I understand why Veronica wants to become a Serpent. Most of us would treat her like family way more than her actual family would. I still don't want her to do it tonight 'cause there'd be a whole bunch of drunk old dudes. Well no matter when she does it there will always be drunk old dudes. I wish there was another way to do this. Maybe we could just give her the tattoo and tell everyone she did do it. They'd all be to drunk to remember. Right now I'm waiting for Veronica so we could leave. When she was doing whatever she was doing we left.

When we got to the Whyte Wyrm it was already packed with Serpents. It was disappointing with how many were already drunk at seven-thirty. "Hey I'm gonna go talk with Cheryl and Toni." She said. And me being the dumbass I am I only replied with. "Okay." I watched her walk off and over to Cheryl and toni.

"Hey. Jughead!" I looked over and saw Sweet Pea, Fangs and a few other guys. "Hey guys." I said. "Are you and Lodge like together?" He asked. I shook my head. "No." I lied. "Oh! She's just a hook up isn't she." He said so confident in his answer. "Still a no. Look we are only friends." I lied again. "Oh does that mean--" I cut him off. "No, it does not mean you can sleep with her!" I said maybe a bit to quickly. "Woah dude! Calm down!" He said laughing a bit. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

An hour later

I realized I hadn't seen Veronica in over an hour. I started looking for her, but couldn't find her. I then remembered she was with Cheryl and Toni. I found Cheryl, but there was no sign of Veronica or Toni. "Jones, do you need something?" Cheryl asked. "Yeah. I was looking for Veronica. Have you seen her?" I asked. She shook her head. "No. Not since she walked away with Toni. They were talking about something." I sighed. "Well do you know what they were talking about?" Iasked. "No, not really. I wasn't paying attention." I scoffed. "Of course you don't." "Hey it wasn't something I was interested on listening to." I covered my face with my hands. "Oh wait! Nevermind. There she is!" I heard Cheryl say. I looked at her and she was looking the opposite of me. I looked up and there was Veronica doing this damn Serpent dance. In my defense she was not wearing enough clothing and just watching all of these disgusting drunk ass men watching her was disturbing. I looked at Cheryl who looked at me and smiled. Just then Toni came back. I walked over to the counter. "Hey can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. "Yea sure what is it?" She asked. "No, over here." I said taking a few steps away and she followed me. "What?" She asked. "Why is she up there?" I asked. "She wanted to and I wasn't going to argue." She said. "Well you couldn't have told me?" I asked. "She knew you were going to stop her even if you said she could join the Serpents." "Hell yea I would!" "Hey you need to calm down. Listen she's up there now and there's nothing you or I can do." I could feel my temper rising. "Why do you care anyways. You guys aren't even together?" I sighed. "That's not the point, Toni." I said. "Okay. So what is?" "Did she even want to do this stupid dance?" "Yes, she did!" That's when we heard a whole bunch of clapping and wooing. I rolled my eyes and Toni walked away. Then Veronica walked over me. "Hey look I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just knew you'd try and sto--" I cut her off by kissing her. She kissed back before pulling away a few seconds later. "Wait what? Are you not mad?" She sounded really nervous. I sighed. "Well I'm a little upset and mad that you didn't tell me, yes, but knowing you, you would've done it anyways." She smiled and shrugged. "Yea, your right." She said. "I know I am. Now let's just get you normal clothes." I said. "Yea okay." "So looks like you two are together." We heard someone say. We both looked over and saw Cheryl and Toni. "What no?!" Veroninca said. "Really? So it's not like you two didn't just kiss in front of everyone?" Cheryl asked. I looked at Veronica who just sighed. "Fine you caught us!" She said. "Ha I knew it! Since when?" Toni said. "Since the day after you guys kept saying I like him." Veronica said. "So we were right?" Cheryl asked. She nodded. "Yeah. Yeah you were. Anyway we want to keep it quiet for now if you don't mind." She said. "Of course! Yea." Toni said. "Thank you. Now if you'll excuse us I need to get clothes on. There are a lot of creepy dudes looking at me." I said. "Of course, yea." Toni said and we both left.

As soon as we got inside the trailer she started to kiss me. I kissed back for a second then pulled away. "What are doing?" I asked. "Come on." She said. I smiled. "Shouldn't we take it down a notch?" I asked. She sighed. "Can we start that tomorrow?" She asked. I chuckled. "Sure princess." I said and kissed her and she kissed back.

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