Sadness and School Fights

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^Once again you can watch if you'd like, and again I'd prefer you do^

Jughead's POV

How the hell could I lose someone so perfect just because someone so insane keeps kissing me? I hate Betty. Way more than I did before. It's only been a few hours since we all left Pop's. I still can't believe all of this happened.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. Who the hell could this be? I got up and answered the door. It was Sweet Pea. "What do you want?" I asked. He didn't say anything he just punched me. I fell to the ground and put my hand to my face. I looked up at him and stood up. "What the hell was that for?" I asked getting pissed. "That was for hurting Veronica." He said and punched me again. "And that one was for the love I can tell you never gave her. Oh, yeah, and this one..." he started and punched me again. "Was for me." I fell to the ground again. "Stay away from her or you will regret it." He said walking away. I got up and stood at the door and watched him walk away. I slammed the door shut and sat on the sofa crying again. I never cried like this when Betty and I broke up. Veronica's different.

The next day
(At school)

I walked into the school and started looking for Veronica. I have to explain everything, if she'll let me. I found her standing by her locker with Cheryl, Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs. "What is this? The new posse now?" I heard someone come by me and say. It was Kevin. We were both looking at the group. "I don't know, but I hope not." I said. "Oh, and dude sorry about the breakup." He said. "Yeah, I don't really wanna talk about it." I said. "Okay." He said and walked off. I looked back at the group. "Hey do you need something!" Someone yelled across the hallway. It was Sweet Pea. "Uhh no." I said. "Well, you seem to be very focused over here." I glared at him and he chuckled. "Fuck you, Sweet Pea." I said and started to walk away. "What the hell did you just say to me?" He asked and ran in front of me stopping me. "I said fuck you." Cheryl, Toni, Fangs and Veronica came over. "Sweets, calm down." Veronica said. "Sweets? Oh, you two got nicknames for each other now. Well, damn Veronica if only I knew you liked Sweet Pea I would've broken up with you a long time ago." I said. I immediately regretted this because she had tears in her eyes. "I never said we were broken up. I just said I needed a break from you." She cried. "Actually you never said either you just had me upset that you weren't gonna talk to me again." Tears were falling out of her eyes at this point. "Yeah, we are through." She said running away crying. "Look what you did hobo." Cheryl said running after her. "Wow great I'm the asshole. Well, She's the bitch!" At that second I was punched in the face again by Sweet Pea, but it was repeatedly. I started to fight back. Then the next thing I know we're sitting in the principal's office with bloody faces and hands. What is wrong with me?

Veronica's POV

I heard yell that I was a bitch. This made me cry even harder. Why is he saying these things. Maybe he never really loved me. Maybe he just lied to me. I ran all the way to the bathroom. Right behind me with Cheryl and Toni. I was hugged by both of them. "He's the bitch." Toni said. I kept crying not saying anything. "Hey we can go home if you'd like." Cheryl said. I shook my head. "No, I can stay here." I said wipping away my tears. "You sure?" Toni asked. I nodded. "Yeah." I cleaned my face and did the best could to make it look like I wasn't crying. "Okay, we can go back to class." Cheryl said. I nodded. We started walking towards the door, but I stopped. "V, you coming?" Toni asked and they both turned back at me. "It's just... I thought he loved me." I said sitting down. They sat on either side of me. "Hey don't think about him anymore. He's not worth it." Toni said. I nodded. "I know, but he told me he loved me. Even if I was a few days after I said it he still said it." I told them. I felt my eyes water up again. I looked down. "Maybe we should take you home." Toni said. I sighed and let a few tears run down my face. "Yeah okay."

They took me back to there place. "Do you want us to stay or?" Cheryl asked. "You can leave. Go back to school I'll be fine on my own." I told them. "You sure?" Toni asked. "Yes, I'm sure." I said and they left my room. I changed back into the  clothes Cheryl gave me yesterday. She's the best. So is Toni. I love them both.

After school

I got a text from Cheryl saying her and Toni were gonna go Pop's so they won't be right away. I told them Okay. They asked if I wanted something I said no. I was just sitting in my room in this empty and quiet house. I had been crying all day, and it wasn't noticable. I know I shouldn't be crying over a guy, but I really loved him. Geez, I need to get over him.

Jughead's POV

I was at the trailer when once again there was a knock at the door. I answered it. "What do you want, Sweet Pea? To punch me again?" I asked. "No, I wanted to talk about Veronica." He said. "Why does everything have to be with Veronica?" I asked. "Because you were an ass to her and I wanna know why." I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't an ass it's just Betty is a bitch." "Well, you called Veronica a bitch earlier." He reminded me. "I didn't mean that. I was pissed and upset and tired." He scoffed. "Yeah, okay. Stay away from Veronica." He said and walked out of the door. I watched walk away. "You know maybe you should just date her if you care so much." I yelled sarcastically. "You know! Maybe I will!" He yelled back. "What? No!" I yelled, but he was already to far away. I slammed the door shut once again. Damnit! What did I do?!

Veronica's POV

I was sitting in my room doing nothing when I heard a knock at the door. I got up and started to walk down the stairs. They knocked again. "I'm coming!" I yelled. I opened the door and was immediately kissed. I don't knkw who this is, but it feels so right, but so wrong. I slightly kissed back, but pulled away. "Sweet Pea?" I questioned. "Veronica I-" "No, stop. What are you doing?" I asked. "Veronica, I love you. I won't be upset if you don't like me back, but--" "Well, it's not that I don't like you back it's just I just got out of a relationship with Jughead so..." He nodded. "I knew this was dumb. Why didn't I think about that. This was really dumb." I smiled. "No, it's not dumb. It's amazing, but I guess just one more kiss wouldn't hurt. But after that you need to give me time and maybe a little but of space in this level." He grinned. "Sure." I kissed him and he kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around him deepening the kiss. I don't want to pull away. Once air became an issue we pulled apart. I smiled at him. He smiled back. "I bet Jughead's never kissed you like that." He said. I shook my head. "No, he didn't. I kind of enjoyed it." I said. "I'm glad." He said. "You know? Maybe one more wouldn't hurt." I said. "You are addicted now." He said. "Shut up." I said and kissed me again. "Oh, my god!" We quickly pulled away. We looked over and saw Cheryl and Toni. "Veronica inside now!" Cheryl said pushing me inside and shutting the door leaving Sweet Pea outside.

Too Hard To Find (Book One)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora