Gray: "You think I tell you huh?"

Nathaniel: "Gray don't"

Simon: "You need to come with me"

Nathaniel: "Simon is that really you?"

Then Juvia came back to normal

Juvia: "I wouldn't let you lay a hand on my beloved and best friend"

Then suddenly Simon raised his fingers to his forehead

Nathaniel: "Crap they found her?"

Simon: " Looks like I have to clean all the mess here"

Then Simon activates his magic then everything get dark.

Gray: "What happened to the lights?"

Natahniel: "It is his magic calm down and there Ray"

Nathaniel activates spell then there is a slight light on the place but still not enough. Then there is an explosion happened.

Nathaniel follow Simon which lead them to the black Jack tables.

Sho: "Oh looks like Big bro is here too"

Simon: "Quite impressive I never knew that you are following specially with no lights."

Nathaniel: "I just follow the seismic waves of your step sobi know where you are going."

Then a rope tied him and Lucy up.

Erza: "Please don't hurt her she is a friend of mine"

Sho: "That's funny since the both of us are been friends too good friends"

Then someone is reporting and pointed a gun at Nathaniel's head.

Nathaniel : "Wally"

Lucy: "A block head?!?!?"

Simon: "Dont act so surprised there it's easy once you get the hang of it"

Lucy: "Nathaniel, Erza who are this people and why are they saying that your their sister and brother"

Nathaniel: "Its not actually we are brothers"

Erza: "But we grow up together"

Lucy: "I thought you join fairy tail since you were a little girl."

Erza: "This is where before we join the guild. Why did you find us? What do you want? "

Miliana: "You really wanna know?"

Wally: "We are here to take you both back with us"

Nathaniel: "Not gonna happen"

Erza: "Please free Lucy"

Sho: "Who cares about her we only want the both of you"

Wally: "Listen here don't make this ugly"

Wally pointed a gun at Lucy and this is where Nathaniel get a chance he kicked Wally in the face even he is upside down. He dodge Simon's punch by doing doing a back flip. The he jumped and landed to Milliana but she run away with a little time.

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