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On the house of Porlyusica in the East forest.

Porlyusica slap Makarov. When he see his only trust full disciple Nathaniel.

Alzack: "What did you that for"

Bisca: "Hey, We want you to cheer our master not making him worst"

Porlyusica: "It is what he deserves from being a irrational thinker, pushing themselves to the limits and he let his one of his children to suffer. And could you please go away now In suck by just looking at you"

Then Nathaniel wakes up as he hear her Teacers voice.

Nathaniel: "Gradma"

Porlyusica: "Thank God your okay I was about to worry that I'm gonna loose my grand child"

Then Nathaniel just smiles he slightly heal himself.

Nathaniel: "Is Gramps okay?"

Porlyusica: "Well his in luck that you recover some of his magical energy. But it will take quite a long time before he recover."

Nathaniel stand up and get dressed.

Alzack: "How long do you think before master is back?"

Bisca: "I'm sure everyone in the guild is worry about him"

Porlyusica: "What are you still doing here? get out"

Nathaniel: "Relax Grandma I'll go with them I fine now thanks for thanking care of me. And please do what you can to save gramps"

Nathaniel said as he bow to Porlyusica.

Porlyusica: "Okay I see what I can do and please be careful Nathan your body might not keep up your always on work if your not on work you are doing some paper work for Makarov take a rest okay"

She said then Nathaniel just nod and went out with Alzack and Bisca.

Nathaniel: "Alzack what us the status of the guild?"

Alzack: "Everyone is resting their taking care of their wounds."

Then Nathaniel started to run.

Bisca: "Why are you running?"

Nathaniel: "Cause we don't have a time Phantom might take this opportunity to attack"

As Nathaniel said that Alzack and Bisca grab him and went to the cart and Alzack drive the cart with the boar.


Nathan went to the basement just to hear Cana.

Cana: "Your such a pig"

Nathaniel: "What's going on Cana, Mira?"

Then he see Laxus on the lacrima.

Laxus: "Well if isn't the shaman himself."

Nathaniel : "Get your us over here and help us"

Laxus: "Is that how you beg? You should do better than that"

Nathaniel: "I am not begging I'm ordering you"

Nathaniel said with a scary shadows from his eyes. Laxus was about to say something but Nathaniel knows he will say that Master Makarov should hand him over the guild. Nathaniel breaks the lacrima with Mirajane. Cana and Nathaniel comforted Mira as she cry then Nathaneil step on the table. Then Erza came out. And Lucy explains her situation and Nathan just hug her.

Nathaniel: "Listen up, we dont have a much time talking,Mira and Reedus protect from Lucy inside ice anything happens Mira knows what to do. Natsu, Elfman, Gray, Erza go to the inside of the  Phantom's base and defeated the element four, Macao and Wakaba pick the members lead party A and be on frontlines, Loki and Cana lead B party you guys will be our guilds rear guard. Alzack, Bisca and I will lead party C and cover party A and B as they attack, we need to unite as one now or never this is for the guild, WHOOSE WITH ME?!?!?!"

All guild members: "We Are!!!"

Then they hear a large step. As they look outside its giant guild with arms and legs.

Erza: "I never anticipated this I cant believe they will go such extremes to attack us"

Gray: "Nathan what the plan that is a giant guild hall?!?!".

Then the Phatom make a large cannon.

Nathaniel: "Its a Jupiter cannon but how can they use that if they know that Lucy is here with us?"

Erza: "Run all of you now"

Then Erza run and requip

Nathaniel: "Your armour cannot take the blast"

Erza: "It will"

Nathaniel: "Then I'll assist you, Concentrate"

Nathaniel put a supporting spell on Erza. The Jupiter shots.

Nathaniel and Erza are  struggling on the impact that it will cost then it stop and only Erza's Shield came off she turn back in to her normal dress. Nathaniel quickly heal her up.

Master Jose: "Makarov has fallen, and now Erza can no longer fight. Any chance of victory will  has slipped through your fingers, Surrender Lucy Heartfilia immediately you have no choice"

Alzack: "That's not gonna happend"

Bisca: "We will never hand her over to a monster like you"

Then Nathaniel just laugh all the people is looking at him.

Nathaniel: You said we had no choice but to surrender Lucy to you? What a joke. You must forgetting this emblems means that we will never loose twice in a fight so don't you dare think is like a sheep that is hunted by wolves ,because we will crush your guild like we did in our jobs.

Macao: "You hear that Lucy is staying put"

Master Jose: "I wont ask again"

The people on th fairy tail guild agreed but Lucy thinks other thing.

Lucy: "Maybe I should just go with them."

Then Erza yells

Erza: "We will not betray her like that you had to kill us first"

Natsu: " You can stop asking now because we will never give her up, we will taking everyone you jerks down."

The whole fairytail tells. But it is interrupted by Jose.

Master Jose: "You had 15 minutes to ponder the folly of your actions

Elfman: "No way"

Cana: "What do we do?"

Loki: "It could fire us again?"

Then Erza black out.

Gray: Oh no she is out.

Then hundreds of dark monsters came. Nathaniel look at Mirajane then she nods

Nathaniel: "Here is the plan Natsu, Happy, Go inside the cannon and break the the source of the jupiter"

They nod.

Natsu: "You heard him Happy now let's go and Break that thing"

Happy: "Aye sir"

Nathaniel: "Gray, Elfman proceed to the plan once I healed Erza she will come soon. And the rest of us will take care of the things here."

Fairytail Guild Members :Yeah!!!

Nathaniel and Master Jose: "We will take you down"

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