Special Chapter

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AN: hey it's the author this chapter is all about Nathan and how he handle things on his training. Things had been hectic lately because of my online classes. So I hope you can be satisfied with this for now. And yeah I'm gonna say this early I'm not gonna do the Edolas arc. Enjoy!!!

Nathaniel is currently on his house he was done on moving Wendy's stuff back at the Fairy Hills they thank him for letting them stay. Then he check the time its high noon then he immediately was up and get to the woods and train but as he was about to train he saw Natsu, Gray are fighting again but Erza is there to stop them together with Lucy. He just sigh but they notice his presence.

Nathaniel: "Oh hey guys what's up?"

Lucy: "Nothing it is just Gray and Natsu are fighting again on who is better? But Erza beat them both at the same time"

Erza: "They just couldn't handle loosing"

Happy: "Looks like they never grow up"

Gray: "Only this dumb ass has no brain dont include me!!!"

Natsu: "Shut up ice popsicle you just loose in that time before Erza hit me"

Gray: "You are the one who loose before Erza hit me"

Nathaniel and Erza just sigh it's like the old days back then when Laxus, Erza, Mira and him are training in the woods. It's because Erza accuse us on who eat her straw berry cake but Mira has an Alibi which is Laxus but in the end we found out Natsu and Gray put the cake in the crash when they broke Erza's plate but it didn't stop there they still fight not when Master came and challenged them the two girls into a sparring session, all of us remember how painful it was back then.

Nathaniel: "Alright you two I'm gonna stop this mess!!"

Then Max came and say that Erza was been needed by Master. They say good bye to her.

Lucy: "So how are we gonna stop this mess?"

Nathaniel: "You three have to fight me within 10 minutes"

Natsu: "I'm all fired up now!!!"

Then Natsu is been immediately smacked by Lucy and Gray in the head

Gray: "Don't be such an idiot if he calls one of his Nymph we are good as dead"

Lucy: "Not to mention he can heal himself, And why am I included Nathan this is their mess?!"

Nathaniel: "Oh you see I want to know how much you improve this past months since you join the guild and since we are both summoner maybe I can teach you a thing or two"

Gray:  "But how can we possibly win, your like so much stronger than us"

Nathaniel: "Okay how about I dont summon any of my nymph and use any healing magic, I think that seems fair to you"

Natsu: "C'mon don't make us look like a total push over bring all you've got!!"

Nathaniel: "There he is again"

Nathaniel just sigh and think of something that can convince them.

Nathaniel: "How about a bet?"

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