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After Nathaniel got been shot by Alibu and Zero they celebrated as they fall.

Klodoa: "Well done Master Zero, very well done!"

Alibu: "A truly excellent show of your power. These pathetic weaklings know their place now."

Zero: "Not exactly the finishing blow that was needed."

Klodoa: "What?"

Zero: "These vermin are clearly still breathing down there! It wasn't enough. I will not rest until they are ripped to shreds!"

Zero unleashed even more of his immense power, causing large pieces of rubble to fall on everyone under. There they all lay under the rubble, motionless. Nathaniel laid flat on his stomach, his hands at his side and his knuckles touching the ground. His mind slowly drifted off into darkness as Zero, Alibu and Klodoa took their leave.

Meanwhile, Nirvana was about to fire on Cait Shelter guild, but not until it was forced off course by Hibiki, Eve, Lyon, and Ren using the Crristina. Hibiki then relayed the plan to destroy Nirvana.

In Nathaniel's Head...

Nathaniel: <Where am I..?>

Nathaniel was floating in an empty void of darkness. He stayed floating for a while until a dim light forced his eyes to open.

???: "I'll set a timer for you all! We need to destroy all six lacrima at the same time! Zero will be waiting at one of the Lacrima, and Specter at another!"

???: "We need three more wizards that can fight! Is anyone there?"

Nathaniel: "Who's there?"

The light slowly became brighter and brighter, as he heard voices reverbrate through the darkness.

Wendy: "Big Brother get up, please!"

Lyon: "Gray, you have to get up! Think of Ur! Don't let this world she was a part of be lost!"

Sherry: "You know, I've always hated you Lucy. You think your so cute and can get out of any situation with it. I always wanted you to vanish, but I was wrong! Please, get up Lucy!"

Carla: "Tomcat... you better get up!"

Erza: "Nathaniel, Natsu..."

Nathaniel then reached out for the light and it enveloped him completely. He then woke up to find himself on the ground. Slowly, Nathaniel started to get up again. He was already on his hands and knees when he heard Natsu pound the ground with his fist. Lucy, Gray, and Happy then woke up as well and began to get up. Everyone's motivation over the telepathy keeping them going.

Hibiki: "Can you hear our voices? Please respond!"

Everyone was taking deep breaths to recover their energy, and then Natsu and Nathaniel spoke.

Natsu: "Yeah, we here you..."

Nathaniel: "Crystal clear..."

Gray: "Destroy... all six lacrima... at the same time..."

Lucy: "So who's taking on Zero and Alibu, cause I'm pretty sure we want another crack at them, right boys?"

Happy: "18 minutes left until Nirvana finished charging...We owe it to Wendy and Carla to protect their guild!"

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