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After that night Fairy Tail was now asleep for the upcoming games. Well everyone except for Master Makarov, Master Mavis and Nathaniel. They were discussing on is the plan for the games as well as Lucy.

Mavis: "Tell me Nathaniel what do you know about this Eclipse gate?"

Nathaniel: "Well every knowledge I have is just reading a book, ofcourse it wasn't a legal one to find it"

Makarov: "Wait you break the law?!"

Nathaniel: "Master I wouldn't worry about the New Magic Council if I were you, they are a bunch of lazy idiots who didn't care about the country so they always put the blame on us in every bad event that happens in Magnolia"

Makarov: "You could say that again"

Nathaniel: "Anyways according to the book it says it needs 12 Golden Zodiac Keys or a lot of magical power to open to a rift of time"

Mavis: "Meaning that they will change history if they did succeed on their plan"

Nathaniel: "What's bothering is that they never take account for the consequences if the timeline did change drastically, that is why on everytime they offer me the job to help them open the gate I decline it."

Makarov: "I see well we cannot say this to the council either the problem will only be worst if they did found out so we have no choice to took matters on our own hands"

Mavis: "In which case what strategy should we play for tommorow"

Nathaniel: "I suggest a 2 way strategy"

Mavis: "One who will Participate for the games and one who will rescue Lucy in the process if we did fail on proposing to the king. Smart I suggest that Natsu and Happy will be the front guard of saving Lucy. Are there any members we can utilize to this stealth mission"

Makarov: "I say Mirajane she knows take over magic which makes her perfect Ally and undercover agent"

Nathaniel: "Put in Lily, Carla and Wendy aswell for support and battle system"

Mavis: "On the Grand Magic games who do you think should replace Natsu?"

Nathaniel: "I suggest Gray"

Mavis: "Are you sure about that?"

Nathaniel: "He may not look of one who uses his sense when his stripping clothes just for a coping mechanism, but he is a good warrior and a huge sense of conviction"

Master: "So then it is decided on who will participate on each team, Nathaniel, Erza, Laxus, Gajeel and Gray will go participate on the games, while Natsu, Mirajane, Wendy and the Exceed Squad will be on the Rescue mission"

Mavis: "Now time to plan the strategy for the games."


Now that the teams are all settled the crowd is shocked when Gray replaces Natsu in the competition. Nathaniel look at the masters and they nodded. But somewhere in the crowd Jellal is watching with Ultear and Melody. They seem to be odd that there are multiple sign of drak magic in the arena but they can place who Zeref is. Nathaniel fill them up with the situation at hand they will ready to cause a distraction if the plan didn't go as planned. Laxus and Erza parted Nathaniel's shoulders.

Erza: "There is no need to worry as long we had this whole thing will win and save Lucy"

Laxus: "Remember there is no need for you to worry about them they will be fine"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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