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The small group of Fairy Tail wizards were still engaged in a conversation with the Armored Knight and Yukino.

Arcadios: "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Colonel Arcadios, leader of the Sacred Cherry Blossom Knights - the Crocus garrison force of the Royal Fiore Army."

Yukino: "And I am Yukino Aguria, acting sergeant of the Cherry Blossom Knights."

Gray: "So what business does the military have down here anyways?"

Lucy: "I don't get it... you're in the army?"

Pantherlily: "You were in the Sabertooth guild until just days ago?"

Happy: "Did you join the army after they kicked you out?"

Yukino: "Yes, in a manner of speaking."

Arcadios: "Please allow me to clarify. For the past few years I have been working on a highly classified project. However, it's success relies on a power only a Celestial Wizard can provide. Luckily, Sergeant Yukino is able to lend her assistance in this undertaking."

Lucy: "A Celestial Wizard..?"

Wendy: "Excuse me, so you specifically needed that type of magic power? To do what though?"

Natsu: "Get to the point would ya? I'm runnin really low on patience, so skip the formal crap and tell us what you're doing down here!"

Arcadios: "The one and only Natsu Dragneel. It's an honor to make your acquaintance. I applaud your recent victory in battle."

Natsu growled and stepped right into Arcadios' face, responding in an angered tone.

Natsu: "I said to skip to formal crap and tell me what you're doing! And while you're at it, tell me why the hell you were trying to get your hands on a celestial wizard! And when I asked somebody a question, I expect one right away!"

Nathaniel: "Natsu, cool it."

Gray: "You idiot..."

Phanterlily: "This goes without saying, but he's probably a really important person."

Happy: "Aye!"

Pantherlily: "It would be for the best if we watched our tone with him."

Carla on the other hand, was thinking back to her recent vision of the future, in which she saw a knight with armor similar to Arcadios.

Carla: <There was a knight wearing white armor...>

Arcadios said nothing in response, and instead turned around and began walking away.

Arcadios: "Follow me please."

Natsu: "Hey, wait a minute! Don't just walk away!"

Yukino: "You too Lucy... You should come along with us."

Lucy: "Huh..?"

Yukino: "If our plan is successful, both Zeref, and Acnologia will be defeated as a result."

Wendy: "Do you really think you can do that?"

Nathaniel: "<Defeat them both? Does this idiot think before he go an errand. It will be a punch on the moon before we defeated those two beast. Humanity's Knowledge and Application of magic is low. So this project will be a death trap>"

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