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Nathaniel awoke to the sound of voices and opened his eyes, looking up to see some familiar faces, a little bit by bit different from what he remembered.

Alzack: "What should we do?"

Bisca: "We wake him up, isn't that obvious hun?"

Waren: "Hey, he's already awake."

Nathaniel : "Yeah... why are you guys on Tenrou Island? Wait...!"

He quickly got up and looked around.

Nathaniel : "Where did Acnologia go?!"

Droy: "What do you mean where's Acnologia, we haven't seen you for 7 years!"

Nathaniel : "Good joke, now who are you?"

Droy: "Ah..!"

Jet: "That's Droy, can't you tell?"

Nathaniel : "Jet? Nice try, Droy isn't that fat..."

Warren: "Don't tell me... hey Nathaniel , what year do you think it is?"

Nathaniel : "What year is it? Isn't it X784?"

Nathaniel 's statement shocked everyone.

Bisca: "Nathaniel , I don't know how to tell you this, but..."

Alzack: "You guys were attacked by Acnologia 7 years ago. Right now it's the year X791"

Nathaniel: "Eh? WHAAAAT!?!?!"

Happy: "Nathaniel, keep it down... I'm trying to sleep..."

Happy was above Nathaniel on a branch of the tree. And Natsu is buried in the ground.

Nathaniel: "Happy, Natsu I know your tired but get up! We time traveled 7 years into the future!"

Both of their ears perked up immediately.

Happy & Natsu: "What do you mean we time traveled?"

Nathaniel: "Exactly what it sounds like! Ah! Where's everyone else?

Jet: "You're the first one I found."

Nathaniel: "Well what are we waiting for? If me and Natsu, Happy are alive and then the others must've survived!"

???: "They're over here..."

They looked up and the girl that Max's crew saw from when they were on the ship stood over them.

Natsu: "Who are you?"

She floated down to their level, before speaking again.

???: "Don't worry I mean you no harm. I'm Fairy Tail's First Master, Mavis Vermillion."

Everyone: "W-WHAATTT?!?!"

Mavis then turned and continued through the forest, leading the group around to everyone else in Fairy Tail, while explaining what had happened.

Mavis: "When the Dragon attacked, I was able to convert the bonds of trust and friendship between your Guildmates into pure magic power. Their bonds were so strong that Fairy Sphere, one of the 3 Great Fairy Spells, was activated. It is a absolute defense spell that defends those within it from all manner of evil. Those inside the sphere were in a suspended state. It's been 7 long years but the spell has finally been lifted."

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