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Team Natsu finally arrived home to the Guild Hall, but what they saw what not what they had expected. Not only was the Guild Hall no longer under reconstruction, but it was even larger than before, almost as if it was turned into a small castle.

Nathaniel: "Seriously?"

Natsu and Happy: "They finished building it?!

Gray: "This is it! Fairy Tail's new Guild Hall."

Everyone continued inside, where they were met with a lot of tables in the exterior of the hall.

Nathaniel: "We even got a cafe now?!"

Lucy then looked towards a small hut that read: "Fairy Tail Goods Shop."

Lucy: "Do we really need a gift shop too?"

The man working the shop then spoke.

Shop Worker: "Heh heh heh, nice to see you all made it back alright. What's new?"

Happy then flew towards the Worker.

Happy: "They have you working the gift shop Max? It's been a while since we've seen you around the Guild!"

Max: "Well the Master wanted me to go back to school so that I could take some business classes."

Lucy: "Oh my gosh your Max Alors! I've read all about you in Sorcerer Weekly."

Max: "Yes ma'am that'd be me, and I've heard a lot about you Lucy!"

This cause Lucy to turn around and grab her cheeks, not out of fan girling, but for lament

Lucy: "I don't even wanna hear about what they've told you.."

Happy: "What kind of stuff do you sell here?"

Max: "We got T-shirts, wristbands, mugs, towels, and then of course, our most popular item."

Happy then held up a mini figure of Lucy.

Happy: "Wow, A Lucy Figurine!"

Lucy: "Why didn't anyone ask me if it was okay first?"

Max: "She's posable, and her clothes pop off!"

As if on cue, the cloths on the Lucy Figurine suddenly popped off the body, leaving Lucy's white swim suit.

Lucy: "Eek!"

Continuing on, the inside of the Hall was even larger than ever before. Everyone but Natsu looked on in awe. Instead, Natsu was pushing his head into his scarf slightly.

Nathaniel: "Now this is what I'm talking about!"

Erza: "I could get used to this."

Gray: "Hey, what's wrong Natsu?"

Natsu: "I'm not good with change."

Levy then approached Team Natsu, waving at them.

Levy: "It's so good to see you back Lu and Nathan!"

Lucy: "Oh, hi Levy!"

Levy: "Guess what? Now we've got a swimming pool behind the bar!"

Lucy: "That's kinda wierd."

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