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Nathaniel is at his station meditating the rocks around him float and starts to change in to many shapes. And as they do that electricity passes through each rock. Then he raise his eyebrows the water around him from each droplets of the Stalactites surround around his neck. He froze the water and break the the rock with it as it was been pondered into tiny pieces he place him around the field and put a fire and ice spell on it.

Then Gildarts came he was about to shatter all the traps when Nathaniel lock his hands with the rock.

Nathaniel: "What are you doing here?"

Gildarts: "Checking up on you kid"

Nathaniel: "Don't worry I'm fine th aks for asking"

Gildarts: "Geez kid this is a test dont be so practical about it the master says that we can let them pass if we see some improvements on the examiners"

Nathaniel: "It is a test that fits those people to be up in their game Gildarts being S class isnt just a rank it's about commitment to your status"

Gildarts: "*sigh and shatters the rock* Fine seems that you cannot be stop anyway"

Nathaniel: "I just wish Laxus and Mystogan is here, this will be a fun day if they were here too"

Gildarts: "Tell me about it I'm sure those guys might jizz there just trying to know how to beat us"

Then after thye talk a little Gildarts came back to his station and the 4 S class wizards of fairytail is waiting for their comrades to be tested.


The Participants of the trial were all on the deck of a boat headed to Tenrou Island, suffering from extreme heat, as that part of the sea has no wind blowing through it. Because of the heat most of them were in swimsuits. Natsu was throwing up over the side of the boat and getting motion sick, while Gray was completely nude and still complaining about the heat. Tenrou Island was finally in sight and everyone stood up. Elfman and Evergreen were sitting right next to each other.

Gray: "Sure took long enough."

Lucy: "That's the ugliest island ever..."

Elfman: "You think? I think it looks Manly."

Evergreen: "An Island on top of an Island huh?"

Wendy: "It's amazing! There's so much magic power! I feel it from all the way over here."

Mest: "Very impressive."

Happy: *Patting Natsu's back* "There there Natsu, we'll be on land soon."

Makarov stood above them all on a railing on the top part of the ship.

Makarov: "There's a legend about this island. It's said that it was once populated by Fairies."

Lucy: "Is the legend true?"

Makarov: "Nobody knows, but it does hold great importance to our Guild. After all, it's the resting place for our first Master Mavis Vermilion

Gray: "And you're going there dressed like that?"

Makarov: "Says the nudist of the stylish man!"

Lucy: "Speaking of which, do you mind putting some clothes on?"

Makarov: "If there's nothing else, I would like to reveal the first trial, if I may."

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