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With the exception of Erza and Nathaniel, who was currently out dealing with business, the rest of Fairy Tail was relaxing at a Bar Sun and celebrating their success on the second day the Grand Magic Games. Bacchus and a few of the team members from Quatro Puppy were at the bar with them, and most of the other members of Fairy Tail had drank themselves far under the table. While most of the member of the Team B is asleep. Nathaniel is awake looking at the stars. Laxus on the other hand is asleep on their bed. He quickly change to his armor and head outside for a walk.

Then as he walk he sees Yukino. He immediately go talk to her and learn that she is been casted out from the guild since she lost the fight. It is not on Nathaniel's business why she is been kicked out but she just grab her hand and went to the Palace. The Guards let him in he and Arcadios have the talk with the prime Minister. They offer her a job as a vice general Arcadios army. She happily took the job but in trade Nathaniel has to remove all the sigils that he put.

But it didn't matter since Jellal and the others got the info of all they need. They just have to be careful on making such a scene. Now he needs to check up on Natsu since he knows how that salamander brain ticks. He immediately follow the essence of Natsu's Magic and he sees a building has been wrecked. As he hopped by he sees Natsu but he stay hidden for now when Natsu was about to land a last blow it was stop by a lady. Then he got out as well and jump and fall right infront of Natsu. The lady just smirks on the man standing before her.

Natsu: "What are you doing here?!"

Nathaniel: "What does it looks like? Im cleaning up the mess that you've done."

Natsu: "Don't worry I can take that guy"

Nathaniel: "For once in your life try acting like a moron"

Jiemma: "Minerva..."

Sting: "M-Milady..."

Minerva: "Thank you. Now, I'm quite certain the all of us agree. Our quarrel has gone too far."

Natsu: "What?"

Jiemma: "How dare you get in my way! This does not concern you."

Minerva: "I apologize. I'm well aware you could defeat him with ease, so I'm not doing this for your sake."

Natsu:  "Yeah maybe you're the one who is scared of getting beat up"

Nathaniel: "I.SAID.SHUT.UP"

Then Natsu falls quite even the other guild members of Sabertooth is afraid. But Nathan just smirks to the lady.

Jiemma: "Insolent Brat!"

Minerva: "Please calm yourself Father."

Natsu: "He's your dad..?"

Nathaniel: "Well tHat is not surprising at all"

Minerva: "We must consider how this little altercation will appear to the outside world. Despite the fact that your  guildmate are the aggressors, my father killing a contestant will leave Sabertooth in an awkward position to say the least, not to mention putting a damper on the games."

Nathaniel: "Ofcourse we wouldn't not want to anybody to know that the master of the toughest guild in Fiore is defeated by a mere kid no less."

Minerva: "You have enraged my father and his followers. This provocation will not be taken lightly. What do you say? Will you allow me to resolve this mess in a peaceful manner?"

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