Side Chapter- Hairdresser's

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Hey! As the title states, this is a side chapter! I will be adding these more often, as the ideas I have may not fit directly into the story. In this chapter, Toshi finally takes you to the hairdressers to introduce you to his co- workers and get your hair done. I mainly forgot to add it into the main chapters, but it didnt flow well when i tried to😅 Also, I will no longer be using the (M/N) abreviation! I re-read through some older chapters, and i feel like the story wasn't as "x-reader" as i would like it. So, from now on, I will be using (Y/N), but for the sake of the storyline, your POV will still be a transitioning state.
Hope you enjoy!
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Toshi and I woke up at about 9:00, The sun shining gently through the curtains.
"Morning, Hot stuff."
I rolled over, Toshi greeting me with a smile.
"...morning, sunshine."
"Are you ready for today?"
I looked at him dead in the eyes, my mond crossing a blank.
He chuckled, scooting closer to me before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest.
"We're going to the shop later, remember?"
I nuzzled into him, his warmth soothing me.
".....5 more minutes, then we can go."
"No, (Y/N), you have to get up."
"But its warm here..."
"You're litterally a walking heater, c'mon."
He hopped up, walking over to the dresser, grabbing some underwear and pants for the both of us. I grumbled, hobbling out of bed to walk over to him.
"You're no fun.. Are you cold?"
"I know, im suuuch a buzkill. Yeah a b- wait, why?"
"Why are you being such a sourpuss this morning? Usually you're happy... And I want to know, so I can do this."
I wrapped my arms around him, warming myself up as much as my tired body would let me. He let out a satisfied groan, a deep sigh escaping with it.
"Feel better?"
He turned around, facing me.
He put his hand on my face, softly kissing my forehead, then my cheeks- he was going to let up, but before he could I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him in.
"You missed the most important spot~"
I gently pulled him in and kissed his lips, feeling him smile underneath it.
"You're such a goof, (Y/N)."
"I know~"
I let go, yawning as I started to walk out of the room.
"The blinds are wide open and you're butt naked. I suggest throwing some clothes on.
"Wait, what?"
I looked down, seeing that I indeed, had no clothes on.
"Uhm.... why am I naked? Did things last night?"
" No, you just got too hot and decided that waking up at 2 am to take your clothes off, and insist on me taking mine off, was the most important thing at that moment."
He chuckled, tossing me some clothes.
"I got you a new shirt, I want to see how it fits."
I started at him, cogs turning in my head.
"..when do you have time for this stuff??"
"I have a lot more free time than you think, my dear."
I chuckled, walking to my drawers to rummage for a few things.
"Everything is already on the bed, dear."
"Oh, thank you~"
I took his hand and gently kissed it before walking over to my side of the bed to get dressed.
"I also have something I wanted to ask you."
"Okay...Whats up?"
I felt slightly nervous, my mind racing with everything he could have possibly wanted.
"How long have you known?"
He glanced at me through the mirror, calmly repeating himself.
"How long have you known about your transition?"
"O-oh! Well... I don't really know..? It was kinda a thought in the back of my head that always told me that I wasn't a woman.. I dont really know what I am at this point."
"How long has the thought been there?"
"Since I was about... I'd say mabey... Fifteen? Mabey sixteen? It didnt interfear with my life any, it just kinda... popped up."
"Really? For that long?"
"Yeah. I just thought of being a tomboy or just being a dyke, considering I was more interested in women at the time."
"How did you feel about your... buisness? After you noticed it?"
"It wasnt anything big, I'm pretty comfortable with my bits, other than my chest- thats always been a bother."
"Oh, that makes sense.."
"No particular reason, Im just curious about those kinds of things."
I chuckled, putting my shirt on and walking over to the mirror.
"Is this a new release?"
I looked at my shirt, a picture of Toshi's hero form on it.
"Yeah, its going to be a limited addition, and you're the first one to have it."
"Really?? Thank you!"
I stood on my toes, kissing Toshi's cheek. He chuckled, leaning over and kissing my lips.
"You aught grab a belt, shorty."
"Hey! Im not short, im taller than average."
"Uh huh... sure."
I walked out out of the room, grabing my phone and my belt on the way out. I was hungry, so I opened the fridge- we had some leftovers from dinner, so I decided to grab some.
"Hey Toshi?"
I heard a faint "Yes?" From the room.
"Are you hungry?"
"Not really."
"You sure?"
"Yeah- If I get hungry I'll grab a snack from the corner store."
"Also, what time are we leaving?"
He walked out, brushing his hair. He had a hairband in his mouth, along with some pins.
"Anytime you would like, dear."
"You're doing your hair today?"
"Yeah, I have to put it up when I work. Either that or I wear a hairnet around my... mangely-ness. Everyone is required to do it, keeps everything cleaner. "
I chuckled, watching him swiftly tie his hair up- pinning down a few loose strands. However, he kept the long tufts hanging- It looked better than I had expected.
"Y'know Toshi, you look really good with your hair up."
He walked over to me, kissing my forehead.
"Thank you~"
Before long, we were out the door and heading to the shop. I had never been there before, so I was pretty exited.
"Hey Toshi?"
He looked to me.
"How long have you worked at the shop?"
He thought for a moment, looking forward again.
"I'd say... About a year, mabey a year and a half. Not very long. "
"Oh, wow!"
"Oh, I was just wondering."
He smiled, gently grabbing my hand. It was nice, walking in the silence with him. I could faintly hear birds in the trees, the ever so slight breeze shaking the leaves softly. There were very few cars out, every so often one would drive by- a soft whoosh left behind. I could hear Toahi's footsteps, his boots making a quiet, heavy clunk when he stepped. I looked up at him, his normally sharp features seeming... softer.
"Hey Toshi?"
He looked down at me.
"Did you know that you're absolutely gorgeous?"
His face flushed red, a smile breaking his lips.
"You're probably the only one that thinks that, but thank you (Y/N)."
He kissed my forehead, and I could hear him chuckle.
"How did someone as amazing as you fall for someone like me?"
I smiled, remembering the days before we even knew each other.
"I saw you smile.. I saw the yellow-haired, sharp featured man with bright blue eyes- I saw him smile. And that was when I knew I had fallen for you."
He chuckled again, pulling me into a kiss. He held me in his arms, softly peppering my lips with kisses. He eventually let up, looking into my eyes happily.
"You're so amazing (Y/N)... I really dont know what I did to deserve you."
I couldn't help but smile, and kissed him again.
"You made me happy, Toshinori."
He smiled wider, his eyes brightening. We continued walking, holding hands and listening to the world around us. Before long, we had made it to the shop.
"Here we are!"
He walked in and held the door open, welcoming me into the shop.
"This my dear, is my home away from home."
A few people walked up to me, shaking my hand. They all were so nice, and complimented me like crazy- I almost didn't know what to do with myself.
"You can look around if you want, (Y/N)."
I quietly looked around, slowly stepping around me- I felt a little awkward at first, and I had a feeling Toshi could see that- he came up next to me and softly grabbed my hand, rubbing my thumb and started showing me around. At first, we walked closer to the wall to the right, and it had a bunch of pride flags hanging up.
"We've collected these flags for a long time- the collection was already pretty big when I started working here. Usually customers bring them in and we hang them up, but some of them were made specially for the shop, and we've bought a few ourselves."
After a while, he pointed out the left wall, where there were tons of pictures hanging up- in every single one, there was a bright smile on every person's face.
"This is out photo wall.. After every haircut, we ask if they want their photo taken up, usually its a thing with hair donations for longer starts. Everyone so far has said yes, and now its become a strong memorial for us, in a way. It shows how much we can change someone's life and make their day better... Plus, their smiles are super contagious- I can't help but be happy when I put up a new photo."
"This is amazing Toshi... I cant belive I've never been in here before!"
"I cant belive I didnt take you here sooner."
I looked up at him, and I couldn't help but smile. His eyes were soft and bright, and he smiled back at me.
"Now that we've looked around, are you ready to do the cut?"
I nodded, my nerves sending a shiver down my spine.
"Yeah, I am."
He smiled, and kissed my forehead before leading me over to wash my hair. He set a towel around my neck, and got to work. It honestly felt really good, and apperently my face showed it..
"Feel good, dear?"
I looked up at him, smiling.
"Yeah, it feels really good."
"Then Im doing it right."
I chuckled, closing my eyes again as I listened to the music playing.
"All done. You ready?"
"You still want the same thing, right?"
"Okay. Lets go to the chair."
I nodded, and he led me over to the chair closest to the main window, and sat me down, then took the towel away from my neck.
"Close your eyes, and relax, okay?"
I nodded and closed my eyes, all my cares fading into the background. I felt Toshi put my hair into a ponytail, and I heard the long waited "snip-snip-snip" of the sissors. I could feel the hair being lifted away, and I felt... Happy.
The music continued to play, and Toshi would hum along to them every so often. I had forgotten how nice his voice was, it had been a while since he sang..
I let myself fade, all my cares leaving me- The positive atmosphere of the shop made me feel at ease, and I felt safe.
"Open your eyes."
I did so, and I saw myself in the mirror- tears started to fill my eyes.
"Toshi.... It's perfect."
I walked up to the mirror, examining my hair and playing with it- I couldn't have been happier with it.
"Do you like it?"
"I love it!"
I wrapped myself around him, squeezing him tight.
"Thank you, Toshinori."
He smiled, kissing my forehead a few times.
"Your welcome~"
He cleaned up, and everyone said I looked amazing.
"Before we go, do you want to get a picture?"
He went into the back room and grabbed a camera, and everyone helped me pick out a frame. I chose a square, (f/c) frame, and we wrote the date on the bottom left. As soon as we finished, Toshi came out and took my picture- I sported drying tear-marks, new hair, and a bright, cheezy smile. We put the photo in the frame, and I got to hang it up on the photo wall. I chose a spot on the right, around the middle. My frame fit perfectly, and I felt happy seeing it up there.
"I love it so much... I really can't thank you enough."
Everyone smiled at me, and we all did a big group hug. They told me I was ways welcome- apparently I was a lot nicer than some of the other people who used to come in, which surprised me. But it felt nice to know that I had some people I could potentially call my friends.
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Also, I greatly apologize for not adding new chapters to this story. I have been dealing with a lot of personal problems and schoolwork, and I haven't had a lot of time to write. I will not give a garuntee about when the next chapter will be, but it will hopefully be out waay sooner than this one was. I hope you all have enjoyed reading this book so far, and will continue to, when this author gets the time to write😂
See you in the next chapter!
                                            -Author (C)

Toshinori Yagi x reader smut! [🍋] (SLOW UPDATE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora