Chapter 8

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I woke up in a nurse's office, and ot felt familliar... I tried to sit up, but my body wouldnt let me, I was so drained. I felt a presence in the room, so I glanced around. I saw Toshinori there with Izuku, they were both silent with their heads down.
"H-hey guys... you l-look so sad..."
I watched both their heads pop up when they heard me. Izuku jumped up and hugged me... Then a small, older woman came in.
"Now now young one, she still has a lot of healing to do-be gentle!"
The lady smiled at me and handed me a pack of something.
"Here, have some gummies, they'll make you feel better!"
I accepted the pack and quietly thanked her. She explained what they would do, and how they helped.
"They are made to help with healing, and they have vitamins and other body essentials to help as well! Just dont eat them all at once!"
I chuckled under my breath and lookes at the people standing in front of me. They were so sweet... I went to go say something, but the old lady pulled Toshinori to the side and soon after I heard a sharp groan. I hopped up before I had a chance to think. I watched Toshi come put from the corner holding his side. I could see that he was in pain...
"(Y/N)? Y-you eh... you okay?"
"Are you hurt??"
I tried to walk up to him and made it almost all the way there before fumbling over and landing in his arms.
"I think you should be more worried about yourself rather than me.."
I looked into his eyes and he gave me a small smile before picking me up bridal-style and gently set me down onto the cot. I couldnt help but feel imbarrased.
"Try and take it easy on yourself, you lost a lot of blood and got some decent bruising. I healed most of your injuries, but I cant do everything at once."
I looked at the old lady once more and thanked her for her kindness.
"T-thank you"
She chuckled before politely pointing to the sign above the door.
"Ah, Im Recovery Girl! I work here at U.A... Im the one who heals all the injuried that happen during battles and training here."
"Well, thank you miss Recovery Girl. I deeply appreciate it!"
She smiled kindly at me and said she had to go take care of some medical files and such. It was suprising to me that someone had took the time to help me... No one ever did.
"Shes so nice!"
Both the men at my side looked at me and cocked their heads. Toshinori looked slightly disgruntled.
"Well, I would say that's completely true, but she has her moments.."
Izuku chuckled and said that he had never really seen her, just today when she healed him too.
"W-wait, waitwaitwaitwait."
Confusion was written all over their faces as I tried to piece things together. I took a long pause, as I was just as confused.
"How did I even get in here?"
Toshinori and Izuku started laughing and I couldnt figure our why.
"W-why are you laughing..?"
"(Y/N), how do you think you got here?"
"I have no clue T- uh... All-Might."
He chuckled and picked Izuku up under his arm and held up a three.
"Look familiar?"
The battle earlier came flooding back and I started understanding everything... I felt extremely stupid.
"O-oh... i dont know how I didnt figure that out..."
He set Izuku down and patted my head gently.
"Its fine, I dont blame you. You guys fought pretty hard.."
I looked in Izukus direction, and he was facing put the window. He had bandages all over him, and his arm was wrapped.
He turned around and looked at me.
"Im sorry..."
"N-no sweat (Y/N)."
I maneuvered myself to where my feet were off the bed, and I slowly got up. Toshi slightly motioned for me not to, but I dismissed it and started walking over to Izuku. I got over to him and held on to the rail.
"No, Im really sorry Izuku. I told you that I wouldnt have to use my quirk around you.."
I pulled him into a hug and squeezed him gently.
"Did I hurt you too badly?"
"Well erm... you sprained my arm pretty good..."
I looked at his arm again and tightened my grip a little.
"Im so sorry..."
He returned my hug and gently patted my back. I felt Toshinori's hand on my shoulder, and I let go of Izuku. I once again felt pretty stupid.
"J-jese... Kinda pathetic when a nineteen year old woman does this kind of stuff..."
Toshi moved his hand over to my back and gently patted me. I looked at him and cracked a smile before turning to the window. The view was amazing, and for a moment I forgot about all the pain, fighting, everything. I was just able to enjoy seeing the city with my two favorite people. I put my arm around Toshinori's side and over Izuku's shoulders. They both smiled a little and just continued to look out the window. I felt so... happy to have these two in my life.
"You know guys... I never thought my life would turn out like this."
They both turned their heads to me.
"I always thought that I would be alone.. No one ever wanted to be my friend after the incident... then i went into online schooling... afterwards, I moved here and just... started new. I kept doing school, I did more exercise.. I even started a garden. But I didnt have anyone to talk to... I was so anti-social that I forgot how to actuslly try snd make friends... But, I remember when I first met Izuku, I saw a sweet little boy. I thought he was awsome, and a great friend to have. He took the time to talk to me and teach me to be less awkward. And then I met my favorite superhero... Then he intrusted me with a secret of his, even when he barely knew me... He offered to train me, and opened himself.. He let me be his friend."
I tightened my arm around Toshinori a little, and I got a gentle squeeze back.
" I feel so lucky to have you two, more then I could ever explain... You guys really saved me."
They both hugged me and I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and hugged them back- I couldnt express how much they ment to me. We all continued the imbrace for a few seconds and all loosened. They both helped me back to the bed so I could sit down, and I thanked them both softly, then Izuku sat down next to me.
"(Y/N), Im glad we were able to help you..."
I looked at him, waiting for him to return my gaze. But he kept his head down, looking at his feet.
"But honestly, I dont know where I would be without you. I tried to be nice and tell you what I knew, because I was just as awkward. Even ask All Might. I could barely even stutter out a 'yes' when he asked me a simple question. But then i started talking to you and I got more comfortable talking to people.. And, well, your my best friend..."
He broke off and looked at Toshinori, then me.
"You guys are real heros. But in my eyes, your more than that. You are people that I can look up to, literally in some cases... but you guys helped me through a lot of things in my life too.. I didnt know who to turn to when everyone would bully me. Especially Kaachan.. He would just bully me, and pick and prod at my nerves.."
I looked at my friend and felt my heart start to burn. It hurt.... I didnt understand why though.
"And he made me want to do things no one would be proud of... But I talked to you guys, and you helped me through it."
I saw his back hunch a little and he started to cry.
"A-and... All I want to do is return the favor, y-you know..?"
I still had that burning feeling in my chest.
"Empathy...this is what it really feels like?"
I pulled him close to me and hugged him tight. He silently cried on my shoulder for a little while, and I rubbed his back and head every so often. I looked at Toshinori, who had his head down. I was a little concerned, then he looked at me slightly. He had tears welling in his eyes. I knew a little bit of sign language that Toshinori had taught me and I started spelling out words- I didnt know much other than that.
He read my letters and help up his hand, then started signing.
I looked at his eyes, and he was filled with sadness. I ciuldnt help but feel bad...
I watched him try and smile, but he didnt do very well.
Izuku let up and said he was going to go find Recovery Girl. I gave him an "okay" and he was off. After he was out the door, I went and sat down next to Toshinori.
"You sure you are okay?"
He leaned his head on the top of mine and sighed.
"I really dont know.."
I wrapped my arm around his back and asked him if I could do anything to help.
"I dont think there is anything you can do period... I geuss its just a little...hard for me to think about thst kind of stuff."
"What do you mean 'that kind of stuff'?"
He lifted up off of me and slouched even further, putting his head gently in his hands.
"You guys are so close... And you guys even included me into 'that' conversation. I geuss it just hurts me a little to think that I might not be there for you two."
He sighed again and let his head hang. I watched his back quiver a bit, and I started to worry.
"H-hey Toshinori.."
He slowly lifted his head up and looked at me woth tears in his eyes.
You told me at the beach that everything would be fine, that you would be there until the end.."
I moved myself so I was facing him, then I wiped away a tear off his face.
"And I know you. You keep your promises... So by that I know, everything will be fine- we will all be here for each other."
He held his hand over his mouth for a second, then moved it to mine. He held it there, then used it to pull me into a hug.
"I... Im not usually one to be all emotional and stuff... But Im glad that I can be like this in front of you.. and thank you."
I hugged him back and he squeezed me a little tighted before letting go and getting up- helping me get up as well. I chuckled when he picked me up again, as my legs were still not working very well. I felt awkward, and apparently said something.
"Wow, way for me to make the moment awkward..."
Toshinori looked at me and smiled a little.
"What do you mean? If I didnt have to help you, I couldnt do this!"
He spun me around gently and we started laughing. He kissed my forehead and I buried my head into his chest and chuckled.
"Your silly Toshinori... But I love you."
We made eye contact for a moment before I started laughing again.

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